Baby Emmy

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Description - Dan and Phil awake one morning to a baby-like crying, who on earth could that be?

. .  . .

Dan sat up confusedly in his bed as he heard quiet sobs echoing throughout his house. He swung his legs over the side of his bed and walked out of the room, searching the house.

He walked into the living room where there sat a small crib. A crying baby lay within the crib and they had a note on them. He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion and read the note;

Dear Daniel and Philip,

In this crib, there is a small baby which you may recognise. I want you to watch over her for the day. No, you can't just give her to your mother. Be careful.


"Phil!" he called out in a slight panic.

"Yeah?" Phil muttered walking down the stairs and into the living room. His eyes widened slightly at the crib. "What?"

"Did you do this?"

"Do what?"

Dan sighed and handed over the note. He leaned over the crib. The baby babbled in happiness, her sobs fading rapidly.

"Do you recognise her?" Phil asked, after reading the note.

"Not really, I mean, she looks familiar but I can't- oh no." Dan's eyes widened as they met with the baby's big sea-green ones.


"Sometimes I wish I couldn't recognise those sea-green eyes anywhere."

"You mean-?"

"Yep, that's Em alright."

The baby babbled happily at her name and chewed on her fingers.

"That would explain the Totoro onesie."

Em giggled and muttered something that vaguely sounded like the word Totoro.

Dan picked her up, "I never got to see her this small. I didn't meet her till she was eight. It's funny to think that she was still called Emily at this time."

"That is a funny thought, considering she might hit you if you called her that now or maybe not. I think it's just odd to her after hearing Em for so long."

Em pouted slightly about being ignored. She reached up and pulled on her brother's hair. Phil laughed.

"Ow! Em, that's not necessary," Dan complained.

Em's lower lip quivered and she looked ready to cry.

"No, wait! Don't do that!"

Em began is sob.

"Oh no."


. .  . .

"I didn't realise Em was such a difficult kid," Dan muttered as the baby cried. They had fed her, gave her water, and even given her toys to play with but it was almost 10pm and she was crying again. The flat was a total wreck.

"Maybe there's something she does every night before she sleeps," Phil thought aloud, taking Em and bouncing her on his hip as she continued to cry. "Can't you remember anything like this?"

Dan looked around completely lost. "Erm, routine! Something about..." Dan trailed off and eyes caught on a rubber duck Em had taken a liking to. "Water! Em took a bath every night before bed! Mom said one time she didn't do it and Em cried until she turned on the bath water!" (AN: True story, I actually did this)

"So, we have to turn on the water?"

"No! We have to give her a bath! Mom told me because it was funny because every time she turned the water off, Em would cry again! Em really liked routine!"

"So, bathtime?"

"Bathtime," Dan agreed. (AN: Maybe bathtime will be our always xD)

. .  . .

"Bathtime was a horrible idea," Dan muttered as he pulled Em's onesie back on her after drying her off.

Dan and Phil were covered in suds. Em was very good and didn't struggle to get out of the tub but she was so happy, she made a total mess due to splashing.

"At least she's not crying anymore," Phil responded as Em's eyes fluttered closed and her breathing slowed as she fell asleep.

"Thank goodness," Dan breathed in relief. He placed Em in the cradle and the two began to tidy before eventually collapsing into their beds.

. .   . .

Dan and Phil awoke the next morning to clanging pots and pans. Both of them worried that baby Em had turned into toddler Em and escaped.

They both ran downstairs to be greeted with a normally aged Em in the kitchen making pancakes.

"Em!" they cheered, hugging the girl.

"Well, hello to you to," Em said, surprised.

"You were a horrible kid!"

"Hey-! Wait, what?" 

. .  . .


I really like this one. 

There was a fight in the hall at school today which isn't expected from my school (we're a college prep school or something) It was scary (n.n) 

I finished both Cat Girl and Families Stick Together this week ;n; 

Happy Gamingmas!! :D ((also I can't remember if I talked about PINOF but it was art as usual)) 

I made realy cute encouragers (pics on my instagram - nerdie.grl #spon) and I'm gonna make some for my frens for Christmas <3

I don't have much else to say so that it for now

"It's called ukulele scremo and it's art" -TyJo 

I love, love, love you guys. Keep moving! Keep going! <3 


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