50 Boxes Pt 2

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You may want to refresh yourself on this one because it's finally the part 2 of 50 Boxes! Also strap yourself in because this was is really long. 

TW: Same as last time (was there any? I can't remeber)

. .  . .

"Hey!" Dan exclaimed as the side of his face was hit with batter. "Phil!" He turned and looked at Phil who was stirring the batter innocently. Dan smirked almost evilly, grabbing some batter and smearing it across Phil's face.

"Dan!" Phil exclaimed.

Dan stuck his tongue out at Phil. "You started it."

Phil glared and reached for some more batter.

. .  . .

By the time the two were done, they were covered in batter. Somehow they'd managed to not mix the different types of batter together.

Dan was grinning wildly, "That was fun but not I need a shower."

"You have to leave now?" Phil asked, pouting.

"Well, yeah. I don't want this batter to dry. I'll see you tomorrow though," Dan explained.

"Oh, I know! You should spend the night!"

"I wouldn't want to be a bother. 'Sides, I don't even have clothes."

"It's no bother! I insist. It's just me anyway. It'll be fun. Please?" Phil asked, dragging out the 'e'.

"But I don't even have clothes."

"You can borrow some of my pjs and get some clothes tomorrow before the party."

Dan raised an eyebrow, "You make a good point and I don't have anywhere else to be." He sighed in, not so disappointed, defeat, "Okay, just let me text my mom."


. .  . .

"Phil? Who were you originally trying to call?" Dan asked. He was lying facing the ceiling on Phil's bed with Phil. Neither wanted the other to sleep on the floor so this was their compromise.


"When you called me, who were you trying to call?"

"Oh, just Louise."

"Oh," Dan muttered. He went silent for a moment before deciding to speak up. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Hm? Oh, no. We're just friends."

"Do you, ya know, like her?"

"Oh, no. I mean, I like her as a friend, nothing more."

Dan sighed in relief before he could stop himself.

Phil flipped onto his side to look at Dan, "Why do you ask?"

Dan continued to stare up at the ceiling, blushing heavily, "No reason. Just curious, I guess."

"Mmhmm," Phil muttered sarcastically, "sure."

"Aw, shut up," Dan muttered, blushing heavier.

. .   . .

"Hello!" Louise chirped to Dan. He only knew it was her because everyone around school knew the girl or at least knew of her. "I think I've seen you around school."

Dan smiled, "Name's Dan."

"Do you know Phil?"

Dan nodded, "It'd be a bit odd if I didn't."

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