Q&A Answers

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Answer Time!! ((Thanks for asking))

To Dan:

TwelveShadesofGrayReferring to every one shot, do you always feel protected with Phil and how does he show you he loves you?

Dan: *blushes* I mean, yeah. He's very cuddly and he's sweet?? I dunno

To Phil: 

Nessa_Arts: Phil (The gang symbol) Did you find a way to get out of the gang?

Phil: No, I never did. I don't mind so much. They're all pretty cool. They bring us baked goods sometimes


Phil: Why are you complaining? As long as we don't snitch, we're good

TwelveShadesofGrayWho tops?

Phil: Th-that's a little personal

TwelveShadesofGrayCan you adopt me? We can sneak Dan's cereal together! 

Phil: Heck yeah! Just don't tell Dan

Dan: I heard that!

itsmeninetwoReferring to the living situations one. What was your immediate reaction when you heard the news?

Phil: It was a little weird. I don't think anything could have really prepared me for that, you know? So yeah it was a little odd. 

To Winnie: 

TwelveShadesofGray: Are you happy your Daddy found someone and is happy?

Winnie: Heck yeah! Now I just need a sibling

itsmeninetwo: What's it like having Phil as a dad?

Winnie: It's cool! He gives me cupcakes if I wake up in the middle of the night and he's up!

Dan: He what?!

Winnie: Oops

To Em: 

itsmeninetwo: What's your favourite thing about having Dan as an older brother?

Em: Umm, I mean, he's pretty chill as older brothers go. I just like that I know that he'll accept me no matter what. 

To Author (ME):

karma-killed-the-catIf you could change one thing about your appearance for a day, what would you change?

Author: I'm guessing you mean me?? (this was from before the set up thing) Ummm, I dunno. I guess my chin??? I mean, if you don't mean physically, the obvious answer would be my anxiety but I don't think I would so I guess my chin?? 

RiseOurFatherLuci: What's your favorite quote of all time? (I love that you do that quotes at the end of chapters cause I love them too BTW)

Author: Thank you! I like them too! Ummmm, I don't have a favorite?? I mean, "That's a spatula, babe" from Chris always makes me giggle. My favorite quote changes a lot lol Nice name btw

Nessa_Arts: Author Important question Do you ship Troyler? 

Author: Umm, yes? I don't watch their channels (they're both on my list of channels/shows I need to watch) but from what I've seen, they're pretty adorable? 

itsmeninetwoHow long does it usually take for you to write, edit, and post a oneshot?

Author: It really depends. I don't do too much editing if the rough draft's not written down on paper. Some stories can be written in one sitting if I'm really inspired and others can take a few weeks if I'm not. It also depends on my work load at school. 

itsmeninetwoWhat keeps you motivated and writing?

Author: Prompts mostly and my characters. Honestly, Tomska once said something about how if you create the characters well enough, they'll write themselves into the story and I really agree with that. But yeah mostly prompts. 

itsmeninetwoWhat's your favourite animal?

Author: For like most of my life it was a horse but now I'm kinda leaning towards pandas because I am one. 

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