Cars and Coffee Pt. 1

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Backstory! So I was in Driver's Ed (which I'm in right now and my exam is Friday) and my teacher said something about leaving a note or talking to the person and getting contact info if you hit someone's car and I was like 'I could make a oneshot out of that!' So here it is! 

Description: Dan is a fancy lawyer who's having a bad day at work. He returns to his car to see it damaged and a note. Phil had accidentally hit the car with his door. Dan refuses to let Phil pay for the damages (he was extremely sorry and, hey, it was an accident) but Phil wants to make it up to him. The two meet up and Dan may just recognize Phil. 

Basically, if Dan didn't get noticed by Phil and became a lawyer blah, blah, blah. Its in multiple parts and not completely written so here's the first part!! 

. . .

Dan stormed out of his office building . He was a lawyer, one of the best, and today he seemed to be having the worst day ever.

He stormed to his car where the first thing that caught his eye was the dent in his passenger side door. The second thing was the note tucked under the windshield wiper.

He snatched the paper angrily.

"Hello! I'm so, so, so, so sorry about hitting your car with my door. I'm completely prepared to pay for the damages. Please call so we may work something out. (xxx)-xxx-xxxx

-A very sorry Phil"

Dan gave himself a moment to calm down before he calling 'Phil'.

"Hello!" A deep, male voice floated across the line.

"Uh, hi, my name's Dan. (AN: [Dan]) I'm the guy whose car you hit..." Dan said awkwardly.

"Oh, right, of course. My name's Phil. I'm so sorry about that. I would've stayed but I was on a time schedule."

"That's alright. At least you left a note."

"I'm completely prepared to pay for the dam-"

"I don't think it's necessary. You're clearly sorry and you won't do it again. It was an accident."

"No! I'd feel bad if I didn't-"

"Honestly, Phil. It was an accident. It's fine."

"I know but, Dan! I want to make it up to you. Please," Phil said, dragging out the 'e'.

Dan sighed, "Fine."

"Awesome! We could meet up and get coffee. I'll decide what I can do to make it up to you then."

. . .

The two decided to met up at a nearby coffee house that Dan loved. Maybe he was a little bit biased because his little sister, Em, ran it.

"Hi, Em," Dan said entering the shop. Em was covered in flour and standing behind the counter taking an order for an elderly couple.

Em simply grinned at her brother before she continued working. She quickly finished before handing them their order.

"Hey, Dan," Em said, grinning. "You want the usual?"

Dan nodded and she turned to make the coffee. "Have you got anything new?"

"No... Well, actually!" Em said handing over his coffee. "Can you try these malteaser cupcakes I made?"

You made malteaser cupcakes‽" (AN: Hehe, "What's the most sexiest form of a punctuation mark?" "Interrabang." "It has to be the interrabang." btw Coffee-Shop Soundtrack by All Time Low just came on xD)

"Yep. My own recipe. I don't know if they're good. I think so but I thought I should get your approval." As Em ranted, she reached under the counter to grab the box of cupcakes. She wiped her hand on her forehead leaving a trail of flour. "It's the Dan special! Anyway, what's up?"

"Can I not just visit my little sister?" Dan said, moving away from the cash register as a customer came up.

"Of course, you can, I just never see you anymore," Em said, serving the customer.

"You know how busy I get."

"I know, I know. You'll have to come and have dinner with me sometime."

"I would but you're busy, too."

"I know, I should hire more employees." Em only had one other worker, Alex. Alex also happened to be her boyfriend so she hardly ever left.

Dan took a bite of the cupcake, "Oh my gosh, this is like heaven in my mouth. You have to sell these."

Em blushed, "Here, have the first batch." She passed him the box. "I'll make more."

Dan grinned and took it.

"So why are you here?"

"Some guy hit my car with his door and he was really sorry and offered to pay but I said no and now he wants to meet up so he can decide how to make it up to me."

"Aw, how romantic."

Dan blushed, "Shut up."

"Hi, you must be Dan," a man said tapping Dan's shoulder. Dan spun around to be faced with the one and only AmazingPhil, his favorite Youtuber. 

. . .


Haha, I should really be studying for my exam! 

Story time! Okay, so, in the summer between 3rd grade and 4th grade, I switched schools. At my new school, I met my best friend and was never contacted again by my old friends. (My teacher was also new and her room was decorated like a boat or the sea or something and she was like 'well, I guess we're in the same boat!' She was obviously my favorite teacher)

So! At this new school, there was this girl and I guess she was nice but she was really odd. She had 'favorites' and they were basically the people she didn't hate or whatever. I was one of them. 

So one day, we heard this odd clucking noise during silent reading and we were all confused. Apparently, this chick brought in A CHICK! A baby chicken had been in her pocket all day! We just didn't notice. Her mother had to come pick up the chicken and that is the story of the time a girl brought a chicken to school for no reason. Like what‽ 

*sarcastic* 'Haha, fun story, Emmy.' 

Thanks! Anyway, it took my ages (like 10 minutes) to find this quote because I was looking for quotes from Gamer Girl and apparently its not that popular of a book for some reason...‽ It's a wonderful book and I definitely think everyone should read it and I love it. It does have some cussing but, hey, you're on Wattpad so that probably won't bother you as much. 

"But you have to take control of your destiny. And sometimes that's not easy."   -Mari Mancusi (Gamer Girl)

You're all wonderful people and I hope you succeed with everything you do! I love you all! <3


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