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Description: Em's been in England for 15 minutes and her mother is already ready to deport her (inspiration from tumblr)

((Not Phan but it's got baby Em and young Dan fluffy fluff)) 

TW: I don't think so but if you notice one tell me

. .  . .

Em was eight when she moved to England. Dan had lived their his whole life. The two half-siblings only saw each other in person once a year but were pretty close. Recently, Em and her mother had decided to move to London and of course Em had read up about the country so she didn't look stupid. So here she was shifting in her seat in the car as a song she disliked started playing. 

"Ugh, I hate this song," she complained. 

"But you've gotta admit, it's catchy!" her mother chirped. 

"The black plague was catchy but that doesn't meant was good," Em responded. 

Dan burst out laughing. 

"Em!" her mother said, looking ready to send Em back to the US. 


"Y-you can't just say that!" 

"You're terrible!" Dan said, still laughing. 


. .  . .


Sorry it's so short but I just needed a really quick and calm escape. I am almost done with Living Situations part 2 though. 

I was just a little stressed out (okay I was having an anxiety attack) at school due to personal things AND I've been out of it (depersonalized) for who knows how long (two weeks? three? I dunno anymore. I don't notice it until I calm down) and that makes me more susceptible to my anxiety so I wasn't doing so great and then I had to talk to the police (due to the personal things) ((don't worry, I'm not in trouble)) and I was freaking out because I didn't know them AND I had to present something so it's been an anxious day. 

I guess I should work on my math homework. 

"You're a canary" -Fall Out Boy ((I can't be bothered with a not silly quote)) 

You all are so adorable. Honestly, I get so much love for this book and I appreciate it so much. You all deserve LOVE TOO! I LOVE YOU! HUGS AND KISSES, YOU SMOL BEANS


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