Pretending it's Him

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Okay so this is based off of the dialogue prompt: "You can't keep kissing strangers and pretending its him" 

TW: I dunno, Em and Dan fight for a bit but it shouldn't be bad

 . . .

Em stood in the kitchen of Dan and Phil's apartment. Only she knew the whole story of what was happening in that house. Not even the boys themselves knew.

She glared at the pancakes she was flipping as Phil walked into the kitchen. She noticed the light red rings around the man's eyes and she wished she could step in to say something but she knew better.

"Morning, Em," Phil muttered. "Are you hanging around this weekend?"

"Yeah, Mom's got work."

Phil nodded and grabbed a few pancakes, "Thanks."

"No problem."

Phil opened his mouth to say something but at that moment Dan stumbled in with a hangover.

Em clutched the spatula a little harder, "Medicine's beside your plate."

"Thanks, Em," Dan said, taking the medicine and drinking some water.

Phil quickly finished his breakfast and then dismissed himself to take a shower.

"I saw her leave this morning, Dan," Em muttered. She knew that he needed some confrontation.

Dan rolled his eyes, "I'm 24, Em. I'm not a baby. I can look after myself."

"I know how you feel about him and I know your going about it the wrong way."

Dan looked slightly affronted, "Then you also know that it's not going to happen."


"No, Em, I can make my own decisions! What do you know anyway?!"

"Enough to know that you can't keep kissing strangers and pretending it's him!" Em hissed.

"Why not?!"

"Because it's hurting him, you idiot! Are you so obtuse to not see that your best friend is hurt by this?!"

Dan scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, "Why would he-?"

"Because he obviously loves you! Honestly!"

"You're ly-"

"No, Dan, I'm not. It's kind of obvious that you two love each other! Why do you think you're shipped so much!" Em lowered her voice and she looked slightly sympathetically, "Dan, I'd never lie to you about something like this. Trust me. Please. You can't keep kissing strangers and pretending it's him because it's hurting him. I'm about a million percent sure he heard you and that girl come back last night and her leaving this morning. Phil's not blind and he's not gonna wait forever. I think you know what you have to do."

Dan looked down and nodded.

"Erm, I heard you guys shouting," Phil asked as he entered. He was dressed but his hair was still slightly damp. "Is everything alright?"

Dan jumped up and wrapped his arms around Phil, "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

Em quickly switched off the stove, grabbed her pancakes, and walked into the living room to give the two some privacy.

"I was such an idiot. Em's right."

"Woah, Dan, slow down."

"Sorry, right. Phil?"

"Yes, Dan?"

"I love you and I'm such an-" Dan was suddenly cut off due to Phil's lips smashed against his own. "...idiot," Dan muttered as Phil pulled away.

"You're right. What made you confess? What made you stop?"

"Em said that I can't keep kiss strangers and pretending it's you," Dan said, looking away. "And she's right. That was what I was doing and it was stupid. She told me how much it hurt you and it snapped me back into my senses." Dan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I didn't think you could possibly like me but you do. I was a total idiot and I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, but you're my idiot," Phil muttered before connecting their lips again.  

. . .


Done! That was fun. 

Anyways, I went and saw Suicide Squad today and it was gr9. I sang along to Heathens when it played. 

I finished my summer reading but I still need to do the project. :/

I've been really obsessed with two songs called I Do Adore and Two Birds. Hey, I'm a romantic, what can I say? I definitely recommend them! 

Also, my mom found out how expensive flower crowns can be when we went to the mall for backpacks (I ended up getting a Harry Potter one from Spencer's) so I'm going make my own when we get some supplies. 

Welp, I'm off. Stuff to do, people to see (kidding, I'm not going to see any people)

"I don't know any perfect people. I only know of really flawed people who are worth loving" -John Green

I love you all!! You're all amazing in your own ways, honest. ^-^


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