Sneezes and important AN

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Prompt - Imaging your OTP lying in bed, foreheads pressed together, just gazing into each other's eyes and taking it all in. Everything is silent. And then Person A suddenly sneezes and scares Person B so badly that they fall out of bed.

. . .

Dan and Phil were having a cliche, soppy stare-into-each-other's-eyes moment one morning. The two hadn't even gotten out of bed.
The two were so comfortable, they weren't even talking. The room was completely silent.
Dan suddenly sneezed so hard, Phil jumped out of fright and fell out of the bed.
"Ow. Well that wasn't fun."
"Are you okay?"
"Erm, I think so."

. . .

Okay sorry that its not that long but I needed to update and stuff.
This was written on my phone so sorry if its a little weird, I never write on my phone.
Okay so I need to update you guys on the situation. Updates arw going to slow down now that I'm out of school and I don't have a laptop to write on. Thats all of now! Bye bye!

"The cat whiskers, they come from within"
Love you all!!
-Nerdie <3

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