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This is oddly reminiscent to the one where Dan's a spy but whatever. This was the 'prompt' 

 This was the 'prompt' 

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. .  . .

Dan screamed at the top of his lungs. His fingers ached as he tried to keep his unstable grip on the building. His feet scraped helplessly on the side of the building. His camera lay on the ground thirty feet below and he was certain that he would join it soon.

"Shut it, snitch," the man in the suit told him as he stepped on Dan's fingers. "Where's Captain Chloroplast and how did you tell him our plans?"

"I don't know! I've never even met him," Dan said, wincing at the pain. His arms and chest burned.

"You're the only newbie, newbie. Everyone else checked out. When did you meet Captain Chloroplast?" The man pressed down harder on Dan's fingers.

"I didn't!"

Dan gasped as something wrapped around his ankles and yelped as he was suddenly yanked downwards. He squeezed his eyes shut as he fell and, suddenly, he hit something. A pair of arms wrapped around him securely.

Dan opened his eyes, only to be met with Captain Chloroplast himself. Dan's heart constricted when his eyes met with Captain Chloroplast's oddly familiar face.

Captain Chloroplast carefully sat Dan on the roof and turned his attention towards the grunts. He raised his arm swiftly, causing the plants that had just carried the two up the building to slither towards the men. Several vines grasped the back of the grunts' shirts and lifted them into the air before slamming them into the nearby bird coop. The other plants bound the lock on the door for no chance of escape.

Distant sirens wailed and Captain Chloroplast turned back to Dan. "Are you okay? Do you need a lift home?" Captain Chloroplast asked.

Dan's eyes widened. "Oh my gods," Dan muttered in a hushed tone. "Phil?"

"H-how did you-?"

"Do you have any idea what time it is?! And you're running around in your pajamas?!"

"I-I just saved your life and you're yelling at me because of the time?"

Dan scoffed, "You've been out here getting yourself into danger. You're probably going to get a cold because you're just in pajamas. Take me home right now."

Phil stared at Dan for a moment in shock.

. .   . .

Getting Dan home took barely five minutes but Dan spent the whole time giving Phil an earful while Phil remained in silent shock. Phil sat Dan down carefully in their living room and Dan automatically wrapped his arms around Phil.

"Thanks. Just... don't pull the victim off of the building next time? You almost gave me a heart attack. Also, be more careful in fights. I've seen you fight and you can be pretty reckless," Dan muttered before pulling away.

"Noted. But how did you know that it was me?"

"Well, we've lived together for years. I'm pretty sure that I know what your voice sounds like. You should probably be a little more careful next time you save someone you know."

"Oh, right."

Dan rolled his eyes and walked off, muttering something about needing to buy first aid supplies. 

. .  . .


Hey! I'm finally on spring break so I had time to write! Due to a mix of capstone and other senior year school work, I've been endlessly busy so here's a few updates. 

I went to prom! I had a lot of fun and I'm not one for pictures of me but I did put some on instagram (and I could update this chapter with pictures if you all want them)

Therapy has been going well! 

Capstone is still garbage! But in less than a month I'll be done with it so whatever. 

I started watching Queer Eye (well binging) + listening to Queen (more regularly)

I watched two episodes of Marie Kondo and now all my clothes are folded neatly and put away so that's good

Oh! I took a moral alignment quiz and I am a Chaotic Good which is honestly real and kinda fits with my whole Hufflepuff + Taurus thing

I'm probably going to be pretty busy until June due to senior year/capstone stuff (so I'll probably be 18 when I post next woah) ((I'll be busy yes but I do want to emphasize that my dms are always open)) 

Anyway, I have laundry to finish and such so I must go 

"I meant to learn about cars and then I forgot" - John Mulaney (very topical as I still have not gotten my license) 

Anyway! I love, love, love you all so much! I hope you all have been doing wonderful and, if not, I hope you begin to feel wonderful because you are wonderful! You all mean so much to me and I can only hope to bring you the same amount of happiness. 


(PS yes I have all the stories I mentioned before in the works, I just don't have much time so I wanted to write something small for you all) 

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