The Ticking Clock

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Description - Soulmate/timer/thing AU. Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil

. .  . .

Phil smiled weakly at the stranger as they left his tattoo shop. He quickly began to close up shop. He glanced down at his wrist and almost jumped out of his skin. His timer only had a minute left!

You see, in Phil's world, everyone has a timer on their wrist which counts down until they meet their soulmate. So of course Phil would freak out.

He grabbed his things and trekked outside into the cold, pulling his leather jacket closer. He glanced down again.

30 seconds.

Was his soulmate out in this cold?

He walked along the same sidewalk he took everyday, eyes locked on the timer.

20 seconds.

He glanced upward every so often.

15 seconds.

He pulled the jacket closer once more.

10 seconds.

Anticipation clawed at his insides.

5 seconds.

His stomach flipped.

1 second.

Phil looked up and his eyes locked with a pair of chocolate brown ones.

The timers made loud noises.

The man in front of Phil had curly brown hair, styled into a similar fashion as Phil's. He wore a mint flower crown, matching sweater, white jeans, and galaxy converse. He too looked freezing.

"Hi, soulmate." 

. .  . . 


I honestly have no idea why the past two have been so short. :/ 

Anywho, I forgot to say. i hope you all had a worderful Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) 

I went to my Mawmaw's on Monday and then my Nana's on Saturday. Both of my parents were working Thanksgiving so we just had McDonald's then xD 

((*whispers* I still need them questions))

Also! Happy Birthday to Tyler Joseph!! Smol Bean! 

Also, Spirited Away is having a 15 year aniversary back to theaters thing! I'm going to the Thursday showing hopefully. I shall wear my Spirited Away shirt! (I'm kinda excited xD) 

"If you're sad everyday, something needs to change" -Hannah Hoffman (((I love this video, it's called 'anxiety doodles + talk' and I would hang the final product up on my wall tbh))) 

I love you guys SO MUCH! Just remember I'm here for you all, okay? 

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