Internet Support Group

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Prompt: "prompt based on Internet Support Group 2: you know how the second message talks about how that girl is in love with her best friend and all that? well when i first watched it all i could think about (and i blame my phan goggles for this) is what if phil actually sent that message? so yea i want someone to write that. preferably fluff but whatever" Taken from:

. . .

"Hi, I'm Dan and welcome to the advice series that started off as a joke but gradually got more genuinely helpful which is worrying as I am a hot mess of a person that should probably sort out their own issues before acting like as expert for other people's." (AN: This is the actual intro from ISG 7 and wow that is a run on sentence.)

Queue Internet Support Group music, Dan thought to himself.

. . .

"Phil age 29 from an undisclosed area asks 'Dan, I think that I may be in love with my best friend.' Yep. 'I highly doubt that he feels the same way and I really don't want to risk our friendship so should I tell him or should I keep it to myself?'

"Well, Phil, it really depends on your friendship. If you two are really close then I'm sure that it won't ruin your friendship. One thing that I've always said is that life is short but if you really think that it will ruin your friendship then maybe you shouldn't but I recommend telling him."

Phil sighed to himself. He was afraid that Dan would say that. He would tell Dan later tonight after Dan finished his video.

. . .

"Hi, Phil," Dan said settling next to his best friend on the couch once he'd finished the video.

"Hi, Dan," Phil muttered but he didn't look away from the tv. He seemed to have an internal battle before Phil turned to Dan. "D-dan? I can tell you anything, right?" Phil asked.

"Of course, you can," Dan said resting his hand over Phil's. Dan immediately regretted it but didn't pull away as the butterflies fluttered in his stomach. No, butterflies fluttering sounded too graceful. It felt like it felt like moths, the demon version of butterflies, were attacking his stomach and he couldn't do a thing about it.

Phil sighed, "Promise you won't think any differently of me?"

"I promise, Phil."

"I-I'm not straight, Dan."


"I'm pansexual." 

"Okay. That's perfectly fine. Your sexuality doesn't change who you are. I-I'm actually bisexual."



"Dan, I actually have another thing to say."

"Go ahead."

"I-I think I have feelings for you."



"Can I say something?"

"O-of course."

"I think I have feelings for you, too," Dan said and Phil's eyes flickered down to Dan's lips asking a question to which Dan nodded slightly.

Phil pulled Dan in for a sweet, short kiss.



"Are you the one who sent in that letter for Internet Support Group?"


. . .


I finished Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and I totally reccomend it. I loved it! I'm now on season 2 of Supernatural. Yay! 

Also have this: 

This happened when I was watching Internet Support Group 7 and I paused the video

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This happened when I was watching Internet Support Group 7 and I paused the video. This happened. 

Also for some reason, I remembered someone telling Dan to google 'tall lesbian' and it just ended up being pictures of Dan so I decided to do it myself and I saw something from Urban Dictionary. 

The thing I love most about this is 'who is currently dating Phil' and also 'nickname for the beautiful @danisnotonfire'

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The thing I love most about this is 'who is currently dating Phil' and also 'nickname for the beautiful @danisnotonfire'. Ah, I love this fandom so much. 

Love you all! <3

-Nerdie (Fun fact: I almost always accedently write Neride when trying to write Nerdie. Good job, me!)

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