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Description: ...You don't wanna know... Also I'm meant to be doing my homework


. .  . .

Dan was sitting at home with his baby sister Em one afternoon when the printer started printing. 

"Um... Did you do that?" Dan asked, turning to the girl. 

Em looked up from her phone, where she was probably scrolling through Tumblr, suprised. "I thought you did." 


"C'mon, Dan, stop. I know you're joshing me." 

"I'm not!" 

"Someone must've just clicked the wrong printer. What's printing anyway?" 

Dan walked over to the printer and started laughing hysterically. 


"IT"S JUST PAGES AND PAGES OF MEMES!" Dan ran out the door where his neighbor was sitting on their porch giggling. "Did you do this?" 

His neighbor, Phil, nodded. "Just welcoming you to the neighborhood." 

"YOU QUEEN! That's beautiful!" 

. .  . .


I hope you all got a laugh out of that, I certainly did. This was based off the fact that my printer was randomly printing. Sadly, it was not printing memes but I wish it was and I managed to trick my younger brother for a moment and now this. 

Anyway! I have a class called Health and Fitness and next week we're doing sex ed n.n SOOOO my teacher made a document so we could put our questions on it and it was a total train wreck. I had to open a different tab oml My teacher was like "I thought you guys were mature highschoolers" and my best friend responded with "The important word there is highschoolers." 

Also I forgot to mention last time that I got my own room?? I used to have my own room when I was younger and my younger brother has never had his own room. It was kind of a 'it-happened-in-an-hour-and-I'm-still-confused' thing. So that was fun. 

Anyway, I REALLY have to go and do my homework so bye bye

"If you like it I like it bro. I'm married, I know how it works. You look good in everything, honey!" -Pete to Patrick (they look so little in the pic) 

I love and support you all, don't forget that. :)


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