Teachers and Students

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Due to only having one positive response and no negative responses, here's a sad but sweet and long story that is very Em and Alice-centric. If you're here for Phan, their in it but it is very not about them. So here 

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Em sat in science tapping rapidly on her desk as she attempted to focus on the lesson. Her teacher was saying something about ionic compounds... maybe. She couldn't focus. A crumpled paper landed on her desk and, when she didn't pick it up, a pencil hit the back of her head.

Em's hand flew into the air. "May I go to the bathroom, Mr. Lester?" she asked, slightly panicked.

Mr. Lester nodded and she was automatically out of her seat. She speedwalked down the hall but she didn't go to the bathroom. She felt bad for lying to her favorite teacher but she couldn't help it.

She made it all the way to Dan's classroom before realizing that he had a class. She stood outside the room, attempting to calm herself down. Suddenly, the bell rang and Em flinched. Students began to file out of the classroom and she entered.

"Mr. Howell," Em said softly, glancing at the last of the students. "I'm sorry to bother you. I suppose it's not important. I should probably get back to class and-"

"Em, calm down," Dan said. "What happened?"

Em glanced at the last of the students. Alice lingered by the front desk.

"I can stop by your last class and take your stuff to our next one, if you like," Alice offered.

"No, I- I can, um-"

"Good idea, Alice," Dan said. "Her things are in Mr. Lester's class. Tell your next teacher that she's talking to me."

Alice nodded and left the classroom.

Em shifted from foot to foot. "You shouldn't have told her that. I have a lot of things to carry. I can carry my own things. I don't have anything to say anyway," Em muttered, glancing at the door.

"Em, calm down. Focus on me. You can go back to class in a bit. What happened?"

Em shook her head, "They're saying things again."


"Nobody. Sorry for bothering you, Dan. I've got to get to class," Em turned quickly and ran out of the classroom just as the bell rang for the next class.

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Alice speed-walked down the hall to Mr. Lester's classroom. She pushed open the door to the room.

"Hi, Mr. Lester," she said with a soft smile.

"Hello, Alice," Phil said. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm bringing Em's books to her next class," Alice explained.

"So, I'm guessing she didn't go to the bathroom."

"Er, no, sir. She went to see Mr. Howell. I don't think she's feeling well," Alice said, attempting to cover for her crush. She began to gather the few books on Em's desk and tucked them into the messenger bag next to the desk. "Um, do you know if this is... important?" Alice asked picking up the balled up piece of paper.

Phil shook his head, "No clue."

Alice unfolded the paper, figuring it was just scrap paper with math work on it.

She's not like you. Leave her alone or else, the note read in scribbled handwriting. It wasn't Em's handwriting.

Alice's eyes widened.

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