Body Swap

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Description: On midnight of the younger person's birthday, soulmates swap bodies for about ten minutes. Here's what Phil was met with. 

TW: None 

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When Phil wasn't body swapped with his soulmate on his birthday, he got worried. For months, he worried about his soulmate. Alice tried to convince him that his soulmate was probably just younger than him but Phil still worried. He always kept a notebook by his bed just in case. One night, he woke up but the room wasn't his.

Phil rubbed his eyes as he sat up. His first sign that something was wrong was the light snores emitting from a girl to his right. She was slumped over in a chair next to the bed with her multicolored hair hanging in her face. Glancing around the rest of the room, Phil noticed that the only thing that partially looked like his room were the posters.

Then Phil noticed his vision. He could see and he wasn't wearing his glasses. He glanced down and noticed that he was dressed in an unfamiliar set of clothes. He then realized what must have happened. He'd been body swapped with his soulmate! His soulmate was now 22.

"Hello?" Phil said in an attempt to wake the girl. His voice was wrong too.

The girl jolted awake, causing her to fall off the chair onto the floor. "Ouch," she groaned. She sat up and took a long look at him. "You're not Dan," she concluded, standing up and dusting herself off.

"Um, no. I'm not," Phil said. He silently wondered what her relationship was with 'Dan'.

"Then I suppose you're Dan's soulmate, hm? Well, I'm Em. I'm his little sister." She held out a hand for him to shake which he returned.

"I'm Phil," Phil said.

"Nice to meet you. Anyway, I'll get you a notebook so you can leave him a note, if you want."

"Yes, please," Phil said.

"Okay. The bathroom is across the hall, if you're curious," Em said as the walked out of the room.

Phil got up and realized that Dan was shorter than he was. He walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Dan's hair looked a lot like Phil's, just brown and swept to the other side. He smiled slightly which cause dimples to appear.

Em appeared behind him, "If your done ogling over my brother, here's a notebook and pen."

"Thanks," Phil said with a smile.

"Weird," Em said, passing over the supplies.


"I don't know. It's just, you're in his body but your not him. That's just a weird concept. Your facial expressions and the way you say things is totally different."

"Yeah, I guess that is weird," Phil said. "I hope Dan's fairing well on his own. I would have had my friend Alice sit with him but I didn't know this was happening."

"Oh, so you're older?"

"I guess so. It's been almost two years since my 22nd. I was pretty worried about him."

"Hm, yeah. I would be too. It's nice meeting you." Em said.

"It's nice meeting you-" And suddenly, Phil was back in his own bed. He sat for a moment in the silence before looking down at his arms which just happened to be covered in scribbles.

"Sorry!" The note on his right hand said. "I couldn't find a piece of paper!"

Phil laughed a little.

"You're beautiful," the note on his arm said. "I can't wait to meet you."

"I can't wait to meet you too, Dan," Phil muttered to himself with a smile. 

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Hello! Sorry its so short but I had this one half finished for a while and I wanted to tell you all something! 

I started a podcast! Its called The Adventures of Em and Alice. I figured you all might like it because it's a lot like this book! (although there's no Dan and Phil) Its a bunch of oneshots about Em and Alice in a bunch of different universes. Anyway, its on Spotify and I've transcribed it here on wattpad! So check it out if you'd like. Some of the stories might be familiar to you already. 

That's all I have to say for now! Bye bye! 

I love you all so so so so so much! Than you for reading this book and I'm glad you all are still enjoying it! 


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