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Prompt is the 4th one down \(^.^)/

. . .

"Oh, hello, Daniel!" Mrs. Lester said to Dan as he entered the house in which he lived with his grandmother.

"Hello, Mrs. Lester," Dan responded. "Hello, Gran."

"Oh, Daniel," Dan's grandmother said. "Samantha was just telling me about her grandson. He's your age and you two would get along wonderfully."

"Gran! Are you trying to set me up with Mrs. Lester's grandson?!" Dan exclaimed, blushing furiously. His Gran knew that Dan was bisexual and she honestly didn't care. It didn't bother her.

"Yes! You haven't been out in ages plus he's very attractive."

"Gran!" Dan exclaimed, adjusting his backpack awkwardly.

"Aw, c'mon, Dan!"


. . .

Dan adjusted his fringe for the millionth time as he waited for Mrs. Lester's grandson, Phillip, to arrive. The doorbell rang and he jumped up, feeling nervous.

He smiled nervously at the man behind the door. Phillip wore black skinny jeans like Dan's own, converse, and a blue plaid shirt. He also had glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.

"Hi, you must be Daniel," Phillip said, holding out his hand with a big smile.

Dan laughed slightly but accepted the handshake. Phil frowned lightly. "N-no, it's not you. I-I just- I thought my gran might introduce me as Daniel."

Phil furrowed his eyebrows.

"I go by Dan," Dan explained.

"Ah, well, I guess you must know me as Phillip then. I go by Phil."

Dan smiled, "Nice to meet you, Phil."

. . .

"So, Dan," Phil said as the two ate their dinner, "do you live with Mrs. Howell?"

"Oh, yeah. I've lived with my gran since my mum passed away when I was young. I didn't know my dad."

"Oh, I live with my mum. My dad passed away when I was young as well."

Dan nodded understandingly, "So do you like anime?"

"Do I? Yeah! Anime's great."

"Cool. We'll have to watch some sometime."

"Definitely. Do you like any bands?"

"Yep, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the disco, Twenty One Pilots, and Fall Out Boy but Muse has to be favorite."

"Me, too!"

The two finished their meal before going on a walk around the park just talking before they headed back to Dan's. The two had a lot in common.

"Well, I guess that's the end of the night," Phil said. It seemed he was almost sad that it was over.

"Could we... do this again?" Dan asked. "I had a lot of fun."


The two swapped numbers before Phil pressed a kiss to Dan's cheek and left.

"So," Mrs. Howell said when Dan entered, "are you two dating now?"

"Gran!" Dan complained. 

. . .


Welp, I'm gonna go to bed!*

*Stay up and read phanfics til 3 AM

"You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. And I still believe that that's something worth fighting for." -Castiel (SPN) 

You're all amazing and perfect the way you are. Don't forget to love yourselves. I love you all! 

-Nerdie <3

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