Beetlebug and Chat Noir

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Okay, yes, this one is a miraculous ladybug crossover. And yes when it began it was about Em and Alice (Em as Chat and Alice as Ladybug) but now its Dan and Phil so here! Dan is Ladybug (aka Beetlebug) and Phil is Chat Noir because their personalities fit better like that so here we go! 

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Dan had never during his time as Beetlebug been so trapped before. He and Chat were locked in a freezer surrounded by frozen food and cameras with their arms ties together behind their backs. He silently cursed at the fact that neither super hero had super strength or anything to cut the rope binding them together. And, of course, they were running out of time as Chat's ring beeped incessantly. Dan sighed and angrily kicked one of the cameras, smashing it to bits. 

"Wait!" Chat said suddenly, "That gives me an idea! Smash all of the cameras you can. We have to get rid of them before I detransform." 

Dan happily complied and began smashing cameras while Chat did the same. They had to wiggle around to reach a few of them but sure enough soon they were all broken. Just in time too because, just after, Dan felt chat detransform. 

"Now what?" Dan asked. 

"Reach into my back pocket," Chat told him. 

"Ha ha," Dan deadpanned. "Enough with the funny jokes, Chat." 

"I'm not joking! I was in art class when I heard about the attack and shoved an exacto knife in my back pocket. Grab it and cut us free. Also you might want to shut your eyes. I know you don't want to find out our identities yet," Chat explained. 

Dan's eyes widened. He had never heard Chat so serious. Dan complied and shut his eyes. He carefully rummaged around for the knife. Dan then grabbed the knife and carefully began to cut the rope around their wrists. As soon as he was done, he rubbed his wrists just before Chat helped him up. 

Suddenly, Dan heard a loud noise and, instinctively, his eyes shot open and he lurched forward to catch a falling Chat. Dan looked down at the boy before him and his heart lurched into his throat. The familiar, usually messy, black hair was now pushed up into a quiff and the boy's blue/yellow/green eyes sparkled with worry. 

"Sorry," Phil said with a slight smile. 

Dan then dropped Phil Lester. 

"Ow," Phil said from the ground. 

Dan's hands flew up to his mouth and his mind raced. Phil. Was. Chat. Chat was Phil! His best friend and partner was his crush. He had thrown Phil Lester across Paris multiple times. 

Oh no. 

He had kissed Phil Lester. 

His heart lurched again as all of this ran through his head. 

Phil, on the other hand, pulled himself up from the floor as his kwami floated around his head, laughing. 

"Shut it, Plagg," Phil muttered. "Sorry, Beetlebug, I must have tripped." 

"Phil!" Dan squeaked, still trying to comprehend the situation. 

"Wait, you know me?" Phil asked. "Do you know me - know me or do you just know me from like the modelling and stuff?" 

"I know you," Dan said, still gasping. 

"Oh, good. Wait, do I know you, Bugaboo?" 

"Of course and don't call me that!" Dan said, finally clearing his head. "I guess we should get back to it." 

"Get back to what?" 

"The akuma, Chat." 

"Oh right. Of course. Just let me..." Phil trailed off as he dug around in his pockets looking for something. "Aha! Here!" He said handing his kwami a piece of cheese. Then Phil transformed once more. 

. .  . .

After the akuma fight, Dan ran off due to running out of time for his transformation but the two met up again that night for patrol. 

"Are you... disappointed?" Chat asked Dan that night. 

Dan almost laughed but the sincerity in Chat's voice stopped him. "Of course not, Chat. You're Phil Lester. Anyone would be happy to have you as a partner," Dan said honestly. 

Chat sighed in relief. "Then... why are you angry at me?" 


"You haven't said one word to me since you found out. We didn't even go 'pound it' after the fight," Chat sadly muttered. 

"I'm just thinking." 

"I call BS." 

"I am! I just... I'm worried about what you'll think when you find out who I am," Dan said.  

"What do you mean?" Phil asked. 

"I mean... You're in love with Beetlebug. How can I compete with that?! I'm just plain ol' boring me. You're Phil Lester! That's a lot to live up to and so is Beetlebug! I'm not like Beetlebug." 

"But you literally are-" 

"No, I'm not! Beetlebug is graceful and confident and smart and I'm clumsy and shy!" 

"I didn't fall in love with you for your bravery or gracefulness. I fell in love with you for your heart and kindness." 

Dan blushed deeply underneath his mask, "Really?" 

"Yeah really. I don't mind waiting forever to find out who you are but just know I'll love whoever's behind the mask." 

Dan sighed deeply and said, "Okay." 


"I think... I think I'm ready. Tikki, spots off." There was a bright red flash of light and then Dan was standing there in his civilian clothes. 

Chat gasped, "Dan..." He jumped forward and hugged Dan. "Bugaboo, this is paws-ativily fantastic! I love you so much!" 

Dan blushed, "I love you too." 

. .  . .


And that's a wrap! I had quite a bit of fun writing this. Though I never really planned to. I know its been a little while but I've been very busy with college and very uninspired so hopefully this starts me writing again. 

I love love love you all so so much and hope you are all doing super well! If not, I hope it gets better for you really soon. I love you!


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