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Standard Colors AU where color only appears when you touch your soulmate and after the second time it stays. Its a long on so buckle up.

Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil

TW: Shouting? I dunno. A bit of anger?

. . .

Dan's world was black and white.. From the shades of his little sister's hair to the black abyss of his jeans everything was black and white. It was all he'd ever known. Dan didn't focus completely on finding his soulmate like Em, his little sister who was a hopeless romantic wrapped up in a punk covering, did but he didn't ignore that color was a thing like some people.

Many people had called Em crazy for not trying to settle and for wanting color so bad and sometimes the hate that she got was tossed at him. Sometimes Dan didn't think that Em was aware of the taunts but other times Dan knew that she knew. All Dan had wanted was to protect his little sister from the hate but he knew that it wasn't possible.

Now the taunts and bullying had disappeared and had been replaced by whispers and rumors because the young girl had changed her look. She wore dark shades of color and had her ears pierced about four times each and her lip pierced once. The two had also switched schools and Dan was sure that the school hadn't realised that a pastel such as himself was the young punk's brother.

Em hadn't been ranting about the adorableness of love or worked too hard on getting her ships together recently and Dan was worried that she'd given up.

"So, Em, do you think that you'll find 'the one' today?" Dan asked the freshman as the two walked to school.

"No," Em responded sounding almost depressed.


"No. I don't believe that I'll find 'the one' today or maybe ever."


"No, Dan, what if- what if color's just a legend? What if it's all a lie? I mean who do we know that actually can see in color?"

"Well, uh-"

"Exactly, Dan. Even Mom's never seen in color. Love isn't real and I need to get over it."

"No! Em, this isn't you! What's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me?! Reality, Dan! I give up! I'm just being realistic!" 

"Em, cut it out! What is going on with you? You've always believed in color and been excited for it! Heck! You're always trying to get couples that you believe are soulmates together!"

"Yeah, well, what if I don't have a soulmate, huh?"

"Em, don't you dare say something like that again. Of course you have a soulmate! You're Em!"

"Exactly, Dan! Do you think that I can't hear the bullies? I hear them, too, and I know that at the old school, you were bullied because of me. Why do you think that I don't hang out with you? I'm trying to protect you!"

"Em, you don't need to protect me."

"I know! But you get bullied enough for dressing in pastel and I don't want to add to that! You know that I love your style but other people are jealous about how you're so confident in dressing in things that describe you and not care what others think. I don't want to add to that which is why I don't hang out with you! I'm sorry, Dan. I'll see you at home," with that Em turned and dashed into the school.

Dan sighed and readjusted his flower crown before walking into the school. He had no idea why his little sister was acting this way. He watched her figure run down the hall and turn a corner.

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