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Okay so I know its been ages but I'm working on like four one shots so be patient please. I just wanted to tell you guys a silly story (maybe not silly but true, it happened this morning) and say happy Halloween.  

I ended up dressing up as Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service which one person got. 

Okay, story time. (In actual story form yay!) My PoV

My friend runs off ahead but my best friend sticks by my side as we run towards the opposite side of the building. 

I despised this whole running thing and I had no idea how I would survive the mile tomorrow. My legs began to feel weak already as we run around the side of the building. 

"Hey! Get in here!" I hear a shot echo from the doorway of the elementary lunchroom. A TA was waving frantically in our direction and we all run towards her. She quickly ushers us inside and I immediately notice two people were missing. 

"Is that everyone?" She asks. 

A few people call out yes but I shout no. 

The TA opened the door and shouted for the missing two, summoning them to us. They quickly join the group. 

The TA quickly explains that a shady man has been spotted around the school with a weapon and I automatically begin to panic letting the anxiety overwhelm me for a few moments before attempting to reel myself back in. 

She sends us off to the gym where the middle school version of our class is about to start. 

"We spoke to him," My friend said, she had been one of the stragglers. 

"What?!" I whisper shouted. 

"Yeah, he asked about us running. We didn't know." 

I felt slightly panicked and the feeling didn't disappear as we played a game before our teacher showed up and sent us back outside, saying it was okay. 

Okay, so I don't think my friends full comprehend anxiety or what happened next wouldn't have happened. 

"Did I just see a head duck down?" My friend said when we were back outside. 

I jump and clutch onto his arm, "WHAT?!" 

He laughs, "I'm just kidding." 

I glare heavily and swing my foot to kick him but ultimately miss, "You're giving me fuc-!" I freeze, my face contorting in horror as the word began to leave my mouth and I shut my voice off. 

My best friend's jaw drops and my other friend begins to laugh, "Baby's first word," he 'coo-ed'. 

"Don't tell my mom!" 

Well, wasn't that fun! My mother did find out but I'm okay (hopefully). I still have to run that mile tomorrow ;n;

Later, sweeties!

 Love you!!


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