It's Christmas!

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Describtion: Phil is friends with Em. He decides to come over for Christmas and meets her brother, Dan, whom he'd never met before. 

. .  . .

"Aw c'mon, Phil," Em pleaded with her friend as the two walked to their next class. "It's Christmas. My parents won't mind. They welcome you!" The smaller girl struggled to keep up with her best friend.

While Em was technically younger than Phil by a year, all of her classes were with the seniors due to her being mega smart. Phil had befriended the girl due to similar interests but the two were only friends.

Em had been trying to convince Phil to spend the holidays at her house with her family due to the fact that he lived alone. He didn't go home to his parents either because last spring they had kicked him out because he'd come out. He had stayed with Em's family for a few days before finding a flat for himself. It would be his first Christmas alone.

"I'd just be intruding," he defended weakly. Honestly, spending the break at Em's house sounded amazing.

"No, you wouldn't! They love you!"

Phil sighed in defeat but also relief, "Okay."

"Yay!" She cheered.

"Get a room!" Polly, one of the populars, snickered.

Em rolled her eyes and Phil stifled a laugh.

"You'd think they'd get a hint," he muttered, egging her on.

"Aw, you know the volume of the knowledge in which she does not possess makes the Atlantic ocean look like an above-ground kiddie pool," Em automatically responded. Em always used big words but she always upped the ante when she insulted someone.

Phil laughed.

"What?" Polly snarled.

"Maybe I should dumb an insult down a bit. You, miss, are a dreadfully grotesque subhuman and a feculent armpit-licking shameless exhibition of genetic deficiency," Em said confidently.

Em walked home nursing a black eye and a bright red scratch on her cheek.

. .  . .

"C'mon, c'mon!" Em said excitedly. It was a few days before Christmas and Phil was packing a bag to head over to her house.

"Okay, okay, calm down," Phil muttered grabbing the bag and following his friend out the door, quickly locking it on the way out.


"How's your eye?" Phil asked. The skin around Em's eye, which had previously been a dark blue and purple, was now slowly beginning to fade back to yellow and then to the pale shade it usually was.

"It's fine. Hurts a bit but I'm okay."

"You shouldn't have used so many big words. You angered her."

"Mmm, I think it was the 'armpit-licking' comment." 

"That's fair."

The two walked to Em's home where Em unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Em!" a voice shouted as someone ran over and wrapped their arms around her.

Em squeaked in surprise before the person pulled away and she got a good look at them. "Danny!" She wrapped her arms around the taller man.

She was right. In front of her stood her older brother which Phil had only been told about due to him being away for college. He was the same age as Phil but was apparently in college already due to already passing high school. Big brains seemed to run in their family.

"What happened to your eye?!" Dan asked.

"Your sister got in a fight," Mrs. Howell announced.

"D'aww," Dan muttered, ruffling Em's blonde and blue hair.

"I didn't get into a fight!" She defended. "I just used a few big words and she hit me! It's not my fault she's a monstrously ill-mannered loafer and an outrageous coma-inducing display of indecency."

"Aw. C'mon," Dan said turning to Phil. "You're supposed to defend her."

"If anyone's defending anyone, she's defending me."

Dan smiled, "That's fair. Anyway, you're Phil, right?"


"Cool. So what'd you call her?"

"Just a dreadfully grotesque subhuman and a feculent armpit-licking shameless exhibition of genetic deficiency. I had a few scratches when I left, too."

"I would imagine so. You think she understood."

"Probably not much."

"Em," her mother warned.

"I'm just being honest. Anyway, I'm gonna help Phil get set up in the guest room." Em smiled and grabbed Phil's wrist, dragging him back to the room her was oh-so-familiar with.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Phil hissed when the two reached the room.

"I didn't know he was coming home for Christmas!" Em defended.

"No, why didn't you tell me he's hot?!"

Em laughed, "Is he? I didn't notice. He's my brother, Phil. I don't notice those kinds of things."

"How could you not?" Phil gushed.

"I thought you knew what he looked like."

"How on Earth would I know that? You guys don't have recent pictures of either of you on the walls."

"I dunno," Em said, shrugging. "Anyway, it's almost Christmas so let's head downstairs and hang out!"

"Fine," Phil muttered, smiling.

The two went back downstairs.

"Took you long enough!" Dan said. "We're going to make cookies!"

"Yay!" Em cheered running into the kitchen where her parents already were. 

Phil rolled his eyes and Dan followed after but before the two went into the hallway, they both noticed something above them.

"It's tradition," Dan said smiling.

"Erm, don't you have a girlfriend or something?" Phil asked nervously.

"Nope. I could, I'm bi, but I don't nor a boyfriend, for that matter."

Phil blushed, "Em told you? About me?"

"Yep but I won't kiss you if it would make you uncomfortable."

"Erm, no, it's fine."

Dan smiled and connected their lips for a few moments before running into the kitchen, Phil chasing after.

Phil was ever so happy that he'd agreed to not spend Christmas alone.

. .  . .


Merry Crisis! Er, Christmas! Meh, close enough. I hope you all had a very wonderful Christmas or whatever you celebrate or maybe you don't celebrate anything then happy Sunday!

I'm not gonna say much but I hope you all are doing wonderfully! ^-^ (I should probably get back to celebrating with my family) 

"Science is nature's magic!" -Jacksepticeye 

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful winter season! 


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