Tag (I dunno, man)

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Rules above. I was tagged by @notalivenotdead so yeah.

Fact 1 - Percy Jackson was the thing that made me a fangirl.

Fact 2 - I freakin' love leather jackets, flower crowns, and pastel sweaters

Fact 3 - After I moved after 3rd grade, none of my friends contacted me

Fact 4 - I strongly believe I have anxiety

Fact 5 - I just finished driving with an instructor for Driver's Ed and I cried about doing it (many times) because I had so much anxiety over it

Bonus fact - My best friend's name is VERY similar to mine and that was the reason we met

I guess I tag whoever reads this. I won't spam you (no worries).

"*gasps* Its dial-up internet!" -DanTDM

I love you all so so much!! So do these guys!

I love you all so so much!! So do these guys!

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-Nerdie ^-^

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