Beautiful Photos

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No description, it shall be surprise. 

TW: Main character death (Not Dan or Phil), cancer, I'm gonna apologize now

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Dan's sister, Em, could always take the prettiest pictures. She had a beautiful, old-fashioned polaroid camera which she would carry around.

"Take photos if what you find beautiful, Danny," she told him when she showed him how. She'd then take a photo of him which he laughed at.

Dan thought Em was the greatest thing in the universe and she tried so hard to live up to that.

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For his seventh birthday, she'd given him a small digital camera. "Take photos of what you find beautiful," she had told him with a smile. He took a photo of her which made her laugh.

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It was midnight when it all began. Dan was eight and Em was fourteen.

She was smashing her hands into everything in a panic. Dan, shortly followed by their mother, rushed into the room. Em couldn't breathe.

She was rushed off to the hospital and an couldn't understand what was happening but he grabbed Em's camera and his favorite plushie. HE was then rushed off the hospital as well by his mum.

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They waited in the white-walled waiting room for hours. Dan was struggling not to nod off as he clutched the camera and plushie to his chest.

A tall doctor called them over and Dan's mum help him up. The three walked for a bit to another solemn white-walled room.

Em was asleep. That was the first thing that Dan noticed. His mother told him to stay put and she walked outside to speak with the doctor.

Dan looked up at his sister's unmoving face. She had a big, clear mask covering her mouth and nose and a lot of wires connecting her to a lot of machines. Her hair was messy and she was dressed in a white dress and covered by blankets.

He carefully set the plushie and camera on her bed before he pulled himself up onto the bed, careful of the wires. He curled into her side, "I hope you wake up soon, Emmy," he muttered before falling asleep.

. .  . .

"We have to tell him, Mum," Dan heard a voice say as he slowly woke up. "He may not understand but this isn't exactly something we can keep from him."

"But he's so young," another voice responded.

Dan felt a hand run softly though his hair, "I know but this can't be helped."

The room went silent and Dan decided that this would be the best time to 'wake up.' He groaned as the light hit his eyes and he sat up and looked around confusedly before remembering.

"You're awake!" Dan exclaimed, hugging Em.

Em forced a smile, "Sure am."

"So what happened?"

Em's fake smile faded, "Um, Danny, do you know what lungs are?"

"Of course! Those are the things you breathe with and the doctor always checks to make surch their working, right?"

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