Drawn Love

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AU in which if your soulmate draws on their skin it will appear on yours as well. 

TW: None 'cept a little college stress

. . .

"Mommy?" a five-year-old Dan asked his mother. What seemed to be doodles had begun to appear on his arm and they seemed quite well drawn to the five-year-old.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"What are these?" he asked, shyly pointing to his arm where a lion drawing had appeared earlier that day.

"Well, darling, whenever your soulmate draws on their arm, it with appear on yours as well."

"Whats a soulmate?"

"Well," she paused, thinking of the right way to phrase it. "Well, a soulmate is someone who you always want to be around. Its someone you could never get tired of despite how long you're around them. A soulmate is someone who you love and who loves you, maybe not romantically, and you accept all their flaws and see them for who they are. They feel the same way towards you."

"A soulmate sounds nice."

"Actually, in Greek mythology, they said that originally, humans had double everything they do now but Zeus split them in half, creating soulmates."

"Why would he do that?"

"He feared their power because when the two halves were together, they were much stronger."

. Time Skip .

Dan was sitting in one of his high school classes when it first happened. He watched as his soulmate began drawing but suddenly he realised it was forming words. A neat scribble of words was on his hand but it was really oddly written. It seemed his soulmate had something important to go to, he just wished he could decode the note.

Dan remembered this very clearly. He was now a college major in Manchester and he'd decided to explore the city after getting a bit stressed out by finals.

As he was exploring the city, his eyes flickered down to his hand where a note was. It had appeared the day before.

Lots to do tomorrow, it read, don't forget to relax!! BUBBLE TEA?

Dan had had bubble tea before but he felt that maybe it was a good idea. He quickly looked up the nearest bubble tea place and realised that it wasn't that far so he quickly walked to it. 

The bell jingled as Dan pushed the door open. He smiled slightly and quickly ordered some bubble tea. He sat down and smiled slightly at the note before getting an idea. He quickly pulled out a pen.

Bubble tea was a good idea. I was stressed. Thanks, he wrote on his arm to his soul mate before deciding to doodle on his arm a bit.

Dan heard someone gasp in surprise and he turned his head to see a black-haired man staring at his arm in surprise. The man looked up and their eyes locked for a second. Dan looked away and continued to doodle on his arm.

Dan looked up as he heard footsteps approach.

"Erm, hi," the black-haired, blue-eyed man said. He waved his hand shyly. "I, uh, just wanted to say sorry."


"I, erm, uh," the man froze, staring at the note on Dan's hand and the doodles on his arm. His mouth dropped open. "Y-you- your arm!"

Dan glanced down at his arm for a moment, "Yeah?"

The man rolled up his sleeves, revealing the same art and notes as Dan.

Dan blinked in surprise. He stared at the man's arm, unable to even formulate a response. How were you supposed to respond to that?

"My name's Phil," the man introduced, holding out his hand.

"Dan," Dan muttered, shaking his hand, "I'm Dan."

Phil smiled, "Thats a nice name. You're welcome, by the way, for the bubble tea thing. I didn't even think about you getting it. Sorry about all the notes and stuff."

"No," Dan said. "It's fine. To be honest, I've always attempted to unscramble the code but no dice." Dan shrugged, "It was fun."

"Oh," Phil said and he smiled slightly at Dan. "What were you stressed about anyway?" Phil sat down at the table and grinned at Dan. "If you don't mind me asking?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'm a freshman in Uni so I was a bit stressed about upcoming exams and my classes and stuff."

"Oh, do you go to Manchester?"


"That's cool. I went to the University of York. I just finished two years ago."

"That's cool. What did you major in?" 

"Uh, English Language and Linguistics and I'm getting a post graduate in the Department of Theatre."

"That's cool. I'm studying Law," Dan crossed his arms and frowned slightly.

"I take it that you're not enjoying it?" Phil said, laughing at the pout Dan was making.

"No, I mean, I'm sure I'd like it if it wasn't so hard and I didn't procrastinate so much but..."

"Well, uni isn't for everyone maybe you should take a gap year and do something that you want."

"I guess but I don't really have a place and-"

"You could always live with me," Phil offered.

"We only did just meet though," Dan muttered, amusement dancing through his eyes.

"Yeah but that's usually how roommates work and you trust your soulmate, right?" Phil asked, bumping Dan's arm with his. "'Sides, I need a roommate anyway."

"Are you sure? I'm pretty annoying."

Phil rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you won't annoy me."

"I could be a killer."

"Now, you're just making stuff up. Have you seen yourself? You're about as intimidating as a pink butterfly stuck on a marshmallow."

Dan laughed, "Yeah, that's probably fair." 

. . .


So there's that! New cover, what do you guys think? 

I have to go to a family reunion later so I decided to go ahead and update but I also need to work on homework and stuff. Also! I went back to school on Tuesday. I was very disappointed that no one played Heat of the Moment. 

Remeber! If you have any prompts you would like me to write or if you think any oneshot needs a sequel or something, just ask. 

We're quickly approaching 2k and I'm kinda still freaking out about that. I was thinking about doing a Q and A with characters and myself. If you would like that you can comment your questions make sure to specify the character and, if nessesary, the oneshot. If you have ideas for something else I could do, please comment. I'm open to any ideas. 

"Stay alive, friend. Not just today but tomorrow, too" -TØ

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week. I wish you the best of luck in anything you attempt. 


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