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Do monsters make war,
or does war make monsters?

Andrew snarled, his whole body shaking in rage. Pure rage.

"Oh come on, Andrew! She's just a human, let me have her." I noticed the argument, realizing that Andrew must be speaking with them through his mind. He probably didn't want me to hear their conversation.

"Stay with me, Emily. Don't leave my side unless I tell you otherwise."

I nodded my head, my hand against his side to let him know I was here.

"Looks like negotiating is off the table - " The man cut off mid sentence and began to shift, his bones breaking and rolling underneath his skin. I was feeling sick again and turned my head away when his color turned a matted grey.

There were four of them now, circling us. Andrew had not moved, his eyes following them as they walked. I knew Andrew was strong, I had seen little glimpses of his power before and his pack would not react the way they do to him had he been the friendly type. But strong enough to defeat four wolves?

"Have some faith in me, jeez. Try to stay out from underneath my feet."

A wolf jumped at Andrew's leg, trying to nip him from behind. I flinched away though Andrew had lifted his hind leg , causing the to wolf miss. The rogue hit the dirt and skidded underneath him, giving Andrew the perfect opportunity to kick the one in the head and send him away.

The others attacked together this time, trying to overpower him.

Andrew lashed the closest one in the face with his claws, sending blood to spray across my face. The attacker now had four claw marks across his face, blooding running into his eyes reminding of Andrew's demon form. The torn skin flapped loosely before molding itself back together to heal. I blinked the image away, trying to remain aware of everything else.

Andrew lunged at the main one - the one from the auction, but the grey rogue side-stepped him and dove underneath him to get to me. Andrew grabbed the wolf by the leg and drug him back, causing us to become more distant than I would have liked. The crack of the leg hummed through my ears, the cry of pain filling them soon after. I had to roll in order to miss getting stepped on several times, the sound of my heart beating in my ears. The wolf stood his ground and fought Andrew, all the while his twisted foot began to heal and straighten.

He kicked Andrew in the right side of his body, Andrew grunting in discomfort as he wheezed for a breath. "Run Emily! Find Dameon!"

I sprinted, while the others were preoccupied, dodging between trees and stumbling to find the right direction to go. My heart was racing each time the branches bent and snapped at the push of the wolf behind me.

The tall weeds slapped against my legs, the thorns pulling and tugging at my clothes - but the panic didn't let me slow down.

I scrambled behind the nearest tree when I felt it get closer, keeping the barrel of the trunk between us. I watched the wolf load its stance and spring forward trying to catch me. They missed that time, giving me a few seconds to think of a plan.

The second time they charged, kicking off the tree with mouth wide and teeth exposed. I stumbled my escape, thinking they would go for the opposite side instead this time. His teeth met my skin with a ragged tug, and I was screaming in pain before I could ever call out for help.
His teeth dug deep into my muscle as he thrashed, ripping the flesh on my foot.

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