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Never ask someone who is in pain to make a decision. The outcome will always lead to chaos.

Andrew's pov

"Emily!" All I could do was call out her name, with my body burning and the heat drying my eyes of any tears and my mind rung into a frenzy. It had been a while since I'd been here, my body recognizing the place but taking longer to adapt than expected.

Hell was not a place for the weak, therefore no longer my home.

I was weak, my drive completely demolished down here and the separation was killing my sanity. I could hear her calling out for me, the sound only stomping on my shattered heart.

My knees gave out, buckling forward until I was kneeling and my forehead against the ground. I yelled from the pain, calling out Emily's name again like I was begging.

And I was begging, for someone to somehow free me from this damned eternal decision.

There were no flames here, despite your body feeling otherwise, not even the tiniest of light here in this dark abyss. I could still see what I needed to, me being here brought it's on kind of light, like an aura surrounding me and living me as prey for those that feast in the shadows. Hell's inhibitors had their own personal Hell, similar to mine but never crossing. They were suffer in solitude, as would I.

My skin felt like it was melting, sweat beading on my forehead but I could not bring myself to lift my arm and wipe it away. My body was screaming to give up, the torment had been enough to take a massive toll on my body and my mind was occupied with my woman.

Her pleas would ring off the walls, filling my ears like lava as I could only cry with her, Emily's absence driving me mad. Our connection was severed, all of the adaptions my body and soul had gone through to better suit her now slowly growing to adapt to this old habitat of mine.

I couldn't keep up with the time here, assuming that I had been down here for a few days now. The time spent in hell could not be defined so easily, days away from earth could lead to eternities down here very easily.

My horns had extended almost fully now, I had gotten tired of breaking them off only to have them inch back out a few hours later, they were most irritating and sensitive when they first grow. The size of them now indicated that they had taken a few days to fill out, possibly meaning I have been stuck here for a handful of years now. They curled around my ears, mimicking a rams as they spiraled again at my jaw.

If Emily could see me now, she'd be terrified. I was in my original form here, not restrained to form myself into man because of the werewolf blood in me. My demon was the only thing to thrive here.

It was time for another round of torment, her voice screaming off the walls as another illusion was sent to delude me. It was a trick the devil liked to play on me, feeling my presence here and welcoming me home. My greatest fears and traumas filled the illusions, the point of the game to break me down to nothing.

Sometimes I would have to relive my slaughtering trials, face the same innocent people again before bearing the guilt all over. I had been caught off guard a time or two when I would see my mother, her death on my hands too which suddenly included Brooklyn and her father, the one Alpha to take me in as their own. I had to kill them - that was part of the game, and once I did then it was over until the next one.

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