Awake & Alone

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Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Can someone please hand me -
A couple of tissues?


Andrew's pov...

My body ached as I woke, my beasts waking from inside me as they sensed the tension of those in the room. The bright lights kept me from opening my eyes right away, the puncture wounds in my body now healed as I felt the tender scars. I sat up with a groan, my neck stiff as I rolled it, eyes finding Doctor Cason, Beta Dameon, Commander Cantu and Gale as they paled under my glare.

Dameon pushed Cason's hands away from his wounds too, looking at me expectantly.

"Where the fuck is she?" I growled, rubbing my face with my hand before tearing the IV out of my arm. They were silent, which did nothing for my panic and rage. "I'm not going to ask again so one of you better tell me where the hell Emily is!"

Cantu stood from his seat, dried blood patching his exposed skin as he took a deep breath, aware that it could be his last. "The Luna is missing, Alpha Blood. By the time we were able to get outside she was gone."

My fangs lengthened in my mouth as I held onto the sides of the bed firmly to keep myself from slaughtering them all. "You abandoned her?!"

Gale stood from his seat too as he chimed in, the responsibility falling on his shoulders as well. "We only saw you and Dameon, your bodies gutted and rogues piled on top of you. Because Emily wasn't there, you became our first priority."

"Alpha, we needed you to stay alive." Cason kept the IV from dripping, keeping his distance from my temper while doing so as he removed Dameon's as well.

"I don't think you fucking understand." I spat, brining myself to stand though my body wasn't ready to do so. My vision became sharp to compensate my lack of strength, I knew my eyes were red as my demon prepared to feast. "If she dies, I die too. Yet you left her after you just fucking promised to protect her with your life!"

"We have several search parties tracking and on the hunt for both the Luna and the offenders." Cantu swallowed nervously, refusing any medical attention from Cason with the small shake of his head. "We've waited for you to wake before doing anything else."

"And if I didn't? They could've killed her the entire time I was out." My pheromones were wild, taking advantage of their fear and putting them into submission. Even so, Gale - oblivious to it all, kept running his mouth only to push my beast too far.

"I mean if they were going to kill her, why wouldn't they just do it when they had the chance?"

I brought my hand down to Gale's face, claws extended to tear right through him. Gale dodged me, crawling away from me before staring back at me in disbelief. Dameon stood from the table, looking between us as he waited for Gale's injuries to show, still not believing I missed him.

"Let that be a warning. Tonight was a risk we could not afford to make. If you ever choose me over Emily again, I'll fucking rip you apart." Anger was clouding my judgement. My beasts never missed a kill like that before.

I pushed the room door open, the force of the swing leaving an indent in the wall. Wolves scrambled out of my way as I traveled down the hall, the warning vibrations ringing through my chest and throat could not be controlled nor ignored.

They kept their distance from me. Good.

The doors to the outside had been torn from their hinges, from the steps outside I could see many of my pack mates traveling in groups, spreading out as they looked for her. Brooklyn found me seconds later, standing beside me as she too watched them. "You shouldn't be so harsh on your pack Andrew. We will get her back."

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