Gone Crazy

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People say nothing is impossible.
I do nothing everyday.

Andrew's pov... (Weeks into pregnancy.)

Doing my best to control my anger, I had to dodge a vase as it was chucked at my head, thrown by my very unsettled mate. It shattered on the floor around us, my eyes widening as a snarl erupted from my throat. "The hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Andrew!"

She had woken this morning to movement in her stomach, it didn't help that I misread the situation for excitement instead of disgust - and now I'm being punished for it. It was the first time the baby had made such defined movements, a small foot pressing against her insides enough to forma definition was enough to unsettle her.

I couldn't help the way I had reacted, the wolf blood in me loved the idea of my woman carrying our child and expanding our family. It's not hard for me to admit that I had grown far more attracted to Emily during this time, falling deeper into love that I could hardly think about anything else but her and the child. They had made me so devoted to the husband and father role, I couldn't imagine my life any different. I wanted to tell her that I secretly wished she was pregnant more often, but I figured now wasn't the time to lose my life.

Like now, with her standing before me with face red and hair a mess - throwing a fit while almost nude in her undergarments - she was angering me beyond doubt but I let her continue on until she felt better. "It's just the baby, Emily."

She threw her hands in the air, looking at me like I had lost my mind. "I know that!"

Listen, I love my wife but sometimes - I love her a little extra in these moments.

"Then what are you going crazy for?" Human babies moved in the womb too, so I wondered why this had been such a surprise for her. I apparently hadn't said the right thing, her sanity snapping in her mind as her thoughts filled my head right away.

"Did he just call me crazy?!" Emily had prepared herself to yell at me physically, drawing a breath as her hands cupped around the bump of her stomach. A sharp pain at our ribs made the both of us gasp for breath, Emily leaning against the side of the bed as she tried to stabilize her footing.

Before I could ask her what was wrong, my eyes had found the culprit who was hurting us. I could see it, even as I was standing behind the partly opened bathroom door with a pillow over my face, I could see the baby moving.

"It's moving!" Emily gasped and sat on the edge of the bed as she tried to catch another breath, her hands running over her skin as she tried to soothe the movement.

It was growing fast.

"That's good, right?" Once again my voice may have filled with too much excitement and Emily was ready to fight again. She stood from the bed with a huff and began to stalk towards me. Though I wanted nothing more than to hide in the bathroom and away from her harsh brutality, my instincts were pounding in my head to stop her.

The broken glass on the floor shimmered invitingly, waiting to draw blood from our bare feet.

"Emily stop! Wait!" I yelled and my arm had extended out for her to halt. She hadn't listened, her thoughts consumed of trying not to vomit and what she would yell at me next.

I readied myself, leaping from my place in the bathroom to grab her. My arms folded around her waist securely before my body twisted so that I would take the impact against the floor. When we fell, Emily's face hit my chest hard and I grunted from the force.

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