Broken Wings

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A.N: Not an xreader, just something to keep this going whilst I work on requests from here, my blog and angelsxreader. Make sure to check out if you want more character stories.

Heaven was supposed to be a paradise but Gabriel felt like it was quite the opposite.

The constant fighting drove him mad. Lucifer and Michael were constantly at each other's throats. Fighting over who was the most powerful. Who was Father's favorite. Who could fly the fastest, hit the hardest, whatever. If it could end in an argument, it happened.

Gabriel would constantly be stuck in the middle. Being the other archangel apart from Raphael gave them the illusion that he had to chose. He loved his brothers equally and it broke his heart to see them fight.

After a battle if he tended to Lucifer's wounds, Michael would call him a traitor. If he backed Michael up in an argument, Lucifer would push him to the ground.

Raphael didn't take part in these, instead he looked down upon them. He was focused on work and never gave his brothers a second glance.

It was after the incident in the Garden that Gabriel was finally forced to chose. Would he support the brother who was kind to him and be sent to Hell, or support the brother who looked down on him and stay safe in Heaven?

He did the latter. He could still remember the look of betrayal in Lucifer's eyes before he was escorted out of Heaven's gates.

For a few centuries he stayed and did hid heavenly duties. He turned to comedy to conceal his pain. He got close with some of the fledglings, teaching them as his brothers had taught him.

There came a point where he couldn't take it any longer. He noticed the Pagans. How little rules they had. How much freedom he'd have, if he'd only join them. He studied them for a few decades. Gabriel found he preferred the Norse gods. He'd join their ranks.

But wouldn't he get caught? Would he mess up and be cast out of both Heaven and Valhalla? Surely his wings would give him away...

His wings. The golden feathered wings that all admired. The wings that branded him as an angel. He had to get rid of them.

Gabriel snuck into Heaven's prison. His cries of pain would be hidden among the others. Quietly he slipped out his angel blade.

Slice. Scream. Repeat. Feathers fell to the floor, now stained red. He shook with pain but continued. Soon only scars adorned his back.

He'd leave Heaven. He'd leave the pain of remembering. He'd finally be free, finally be happy. He was not a coward, nor was he his brothers. He was Gabriel, he was his own person.

Once the deed was done, he crept out of Heaven, making his way to Valhalla. The one eyed Odin stood at the gates, staring at him suspiciously.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Gabriel bowed. "I am Loki, god of mischief." He grinned. "And I'd like to join you."

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