The French Mispeight

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Based on the request by Angela_Quindo

Words: 1200+

Warnings: "Hammer of the Gods", death mention, blood (throwing these warnings out there just in case. I never take things to the extreme, but if you want me to add things to a warning in a fic, don't hesitate to tell me!)

Today couldn't get worse, you thought.

"Oh," the universe seemed to say. "But it could."

Not only had your date stood you up, leaving you alone in a restaurant with the staff giving you pitying looks, the bus was late.

You stood in the rain, waiting for it to come. You smiled as it got closer, but your heart grew heavy as the sign at the front read "out of service". It sped by, splashing cold water over your new outfit.

You cursed under your breath and started walking home. Hey, at least Supernatural was on tonight. A new episode would make things better, right?


"Can't we all just get along?"

You squealed as your favourite character waltzed on screen, leaving Sam and Dean looking like deer caught in headlights. God, this episode was going to be great. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

Boy, oh boy, you were wrong. Kali plunged an archangel blade into Gabriel's chest, and you almost started crying. But there he was again, in the back of the impala. Good old trickster, they could never kill him off.

But your heart shattered once Lucifer looked Gabriel dead in the eyes. "You forget. You learned all your tricks from me."

Curse Richard Speight and his fantastic acting skills. The look of terror and betrayal on Gabriel's face, the way he clung to his older brother's jacket, it hurt to watch. You loved Gabriel ever since Tall Tales. And they were getting rid of him? No! They couldn't! Supernatural just wouldn't be the same.

Bright white-blue light shot out of the archangel's eyes and mouth. He fell to the ground like a dead leaf in autumn, ash settling in the form of wings around the fallen angel.

The scene changed just as you heard a thump in another room. Too loud to be just something falling over. Someone was in your house.

The walls slightly muffled the intruder's voice as they cursed, but they sounded like they were in pain.

You let the TV play as you reached for a metal bat you kept under the sofa. Living in an apartment alone didn't come without risks.

You kept walking, following the noise. Baseball bat raised, you walked into your bedroom.

It was a man, wearing an army-green coat. One hand was clutching his chest, the other was trying to steady himself against a wall. Your jaw dropped as he looked at you.

"Richard?" You asked.

"My... my name is Gabriel." He replied in a raspy voice. "And I need your help."

Richard Speight Jr- or Gabriel as he claimed to be- fell to the ground.


"This can't be happening..." You mumbled to yourself.

But there he was, bleeding on your bed. His chest rose and fell a little shakily, but he was definitely breathing. 

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