The Beauty of a Beast - preview

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AN: Okay, I'm only putting part one up here because this is going to be a loonnnggg series. I'm making a separate book for the story if any of you are interested. This au is based off of the animated "Beauty and the Beast" film as well as the new live action version. Enjoy!

Words: 1000+

"Done. You look wonderful, sir."

The prince admired his reflection in the ornate mirror, his eyes matching the gold that adorned the rose bush styled edges. It was a fine mirror, worth more that the average person earned in a year, yet it was one of the most simple things in the room.

Candles flickered, lighting the room and keeping the darkness of night at bay. Raindrops hit the glass windows, a rhythmic pattern that mimicked the pace of someone running for their life.

Balthazar took a step back, also admiring his work. Today was a big day, and the prince needed to look his best.

The prince waved his hand. "More light." He ordered.

Balthazar picked up the candlestick, moving it onto the dresser so the prince could see his visage better. "My apologies, sir. But you do look fantastic with any level of light."

Another servant ran in. He panted, trying to catch his breath.

"Charles, what it the meaning of you interrupting me?" The prince asked coldly.

Chuck gulped. "I'm sorry, sir. But it's time for you to make an appearance. The guests have been waiting for you for-" He checked the watch in his pocket before sliding it back out of sight. "-An hour now, sir."

"You can't rush perfection." Balthazar quipped.

"You wouldn't know perfection if it hit you in the face." Chuck said. His master raised an eyebrow. "Th-though you do look a-amazing, my prince!" He stuttered.

The prince strutted out of his room, making his way through twisting staircases and long decorated hallways to the ballroom.

The finest men and women awaited him, chattering amongst themselves, gossiping and betting who the prince would choose for a suitor.

It had to be the finest, for the young royal. The finest clothing, the finest servants, the finest castle. Appearance was everything, and he would maintain it, no matter how high taxes had to be hiked.

A wave of his hand and the music began. The prince changed from dance partner to dance partner, judging each one as he moved.

Too tall. Too handsy. Too much of this, too little of that. None were good enough for his taste, but he kept dancing.

Lightning flashed outside, thunder shook the chandeliers. The storm outside wasn't slowing down and neither was the party.

A large gust of wind blew the front doors wide open. Half the lamps went out, plunging the room into almost a complete darkness. The prince grabbed a candelabra from Chuck, making his way to the entrance to investigate.

A cloaked figure was hunched over the floor. An old woman looked up, her grey hair falling over her eyes in thin strands. She raised her hand, offering something to the prince.

"A rose," She spoke, hint of an accent that was out of place in Paris. "For shelter from the storm."

The prince took the beautiful red flower from the crone's wrinkled hand. He laughed. He threw his head back and laughed at the pitiful sight before him. Some joined in on the laughter, mocking the poor woman.

"Hag. Is this the most valuable thing you have to offer me?" The prince asked. He threw the rose to his feet, the velvet petals scattering. "Begone."

"Hag? Beauty is but skin deep, Gabriel." She replied. "Please, let me stay-"

How did she know his name? No, every villager knew who the prince was. Gabriel gritted his teeth. "I said, begone!"

Something in the old woman's eyes changed. She stared the prince down, rising to her feet... and above the ground.

The cloak slipped away and a bright golden light surrounded the woman- no longer a hag, but a young sorceress, red curls flowing around her head as if she were under water.

Guests were fleeing out of every exit, terrified of what could happen should they stay. Gabriel fell to his knees, he either couldn't or just wouldn't move.

"Vain prince," The sorceress said, her voice echoing around the palace. "There is nothing in your heart but arrogance and greed."

"I can take it back, you can stay-"

"It's too late. I see who you truly are inside. But your exterior doesn't match." The woman spoke, her words cold and calm. "I'll fix that."

Gabriel opened his mouth to speak, but only a groan of agony came out. He looked down at his nails lengthening and hardening into claws, brown and gold fur growing at an alarming rate on his skin. It felt as if someone was dragging a pair of knives down his back.

The prince grew, doubling in size, silhouette contorting. Screams and groans turned to howls and roars. It was terrifying to watch and agony to experience.

His servants looked on in horror.

"You all remain? Foolish or loyal, it matters not. His curse is your curse too."

Gabriel couldn't see what was happening to his staff. Even if he could, he was far more concerned with his own wellbeing.

"This is only the beginning," The sorceress explained. In her hands was the rose, now softly glowing. "Your people will forget you. Your servants will be trapped here with you. And you will remain in this hideous form until the last petal of this rose falls."

She placed it on the ground, looking into eyes that had been human a simple second ago. "Learn to love before then. Learn to give, and care for someone who is not yourself. If the love is returned, the curse will lift."

The sorceress walked to the exit, lifting her black hood over her head again. "But who could ever learn to love a beast?"


You stirred in your sleep, jumping when thunder struck again. The carriage jostled, shaking you awake. The journey to your new home was a long one, and you wanted nothing more than to be there already.

"Hey, it's just rain. Get some sleep, darlin'." Your father reassured you. "We're almost there."

Your eyelids drooped again. Your body tried to fight against sleep. "Play it again for me, papa?"

Bobby smiled, opening the small music box again. "Last time. Okay?"

You nodded, leaning against your father to use his chest as a pillow.

The soft and cheery tune played and Bobby hummed along.

You slowly fell asleep, dreaming of dancing, magic, and roses.

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