Story: Two

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Art by the same person who made cover art. I hope.

"Hey hun, what're ya looking at?"

"Tumblr. Sans, I told you not to call me that."

"Sorry babe."

She laughed and pushed her white hair out of her eyes. "I guess it's fine. I like babe."

He kissed her head. "I love you M."

"I love you, too, big guy."


You picked up the soup. It was on sale, and that was what mattered, not the taste.
You were really poor.
But that didn't matter. You didn't need much. You never asked for much.

"Mrs. (L/n)!"

Your eyes widened and you turned.
She ran up and held out her hand. You smiled and shook it. "Hey, it's good to see you."

"What are you doing?" She glanced at the soup in your hands.

"I'm shopping. Aren't you?"

She shrugged. "Not really. I'm exploring while my mom is shopping. It's not fun to be here. I wanna be watching the news."


You looked up, and gasped.

Frisk turned. "Hey momma."

The goat woman scooped Frisk off her feet. "I told you to stop running off like that, my child! Ma'am, I'm-"

She stared at you. "Oh my-... (Y/n)?"

You covered you mouth, tearing up. "Toriel?"

Frisk wiggled, and Tori set her down. You jumped into her arms, hugging her around her neck. She hugged you back. "It's been... years!" You gasped.

Frisk watched silently, taking it in.

Toriel laughed. "Have you been taking anymore counseling?"

You laughed. "I don't need it anymore. You helped me out a lot."

"Mom, if you guys are friends, can she come over? I invite Monster Kid over all the time."

Toriel laughed nervously and pulled back. "My child, I don't think that inviting people over is a good idea right now."

Frisk made puppy eyes. "Please mommy? He's in his room."

Toriel's face softened. "Well... I guess... if she wants to."

You smiled and nodded. Who's was in their room?


You bit your lip.
Then knocked.

The door opened. Toriel peaked out. "Shhhh... maybe you-"

"Mommmm! Let her in." Frisk whined from somewhere.

Toriel sighed in defeat. Then opened the door fully and allowed you in.

Frisk shook the person sitting next to her on their couch. "Sans! Sans she's here, wake up!"

He jumped, then laughed deeply. "Alright kiddo, alright."

He stood, and your smile almost disappeared. Jesus.
He was seriously tall. He had an unusually deep voice, and when he turned you noted his eyes.
The right one was almost completely closed, as if something were wrong with it. His other just looked tired. He smiled at you.

"Damn, Tori. Your good at picking out girls. You sure your not a lesbian?"

You blushed furiously and looked at Tori, who narrowed her eyes. "Watch your language around my child." As she walked by, she smacked the back of his skull. He chuckled and sat back down.

"Sit anywhere you like," He said calmly.

You sat across from them. Sans smiled widely, and you glanced at his teeth. They were sharp, and he had six larger fangs overlapping his normal ones.
So frisk wasn't lying.
Toriel came back in and handed you a cup.

"Your favorite. Remember? I used to call it snail tea. But it's just Camomile."

You nodded and took it.

Sans sighed. With a quick glance at Frisk, held out his hand. "Don't you know how to greet a new friend?"

You shook his bony hand.
He had really big hands.

He held on for a few seconds longer than needed, looking you dead in the eyes.
You felt like he was judging you.
Then he smiled and leaned back.

"Welcome to our humble abode. I'm Sans."

You blushed and looked down. "Thanks."

There was a silence. Then Frisk said," He had the heats."

"OH MY GOD, FRISK!" Toriel rounded on Sans, who's face was tinted green. "Did you teach her that?"

You snorted.

This was gonna be a wierd night.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now