Story: Fourteen

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"You really miss him, huh?"

Sans stared at the little grave. "More than anything."

M gently touched his arm. "It's alright. He's better where he is."

"He never got to see the sun. Not in this timeline."

M smiled and poked his elbow. "Your acting like it's Pap."

Sans smiled playfully. "Well, it's true."

She hooked her arm through his. "Lets go home."

As they walked away, M glanced at where they had buried his old jacket. For a minute, she could have sworn a figure was standing there, wings drooping behind it sadly.


You stared after Sans, hoping he wasn't to embarrassed. Why was he embarrassed at all? Was it his face? You blushed, thinking of him pulling up his shirt.

Their just ribs! You thought.
Yeah, but I mean, he pulled up his shirt....

You smiled. Sans slipped a plate in front of you. "Happy 'bout something?"

You jumped, then giggled. "Nah, just... smiling. Thanks." You poked the plate, then glanced at him. "Where's yours?"

He shrugged. "Didn't get one. Told him not to make it." He took a gulp of ketchup. "I've got this, though."

You smiled. "That's nice. You sure your not hungry?"

"We Skeleton monsters are different than other monsters."

"You say it like there are more skeletons than you and your brother." You smiled, then noticed the look on his face. "Oh? Are there?"

He smiled back. "No. Just me and him, Now-a-days." He gestured at your Fries. "You haven't touched those. You gonna eat 'em?"

You put one in your mouth.

He nodded. "So, you talked to Tori lately?"

You shook your head and swallowed. "Only this morning, and it wasn't really her."


"Yeah, it was Frisk. Said she needed to show you something." You shrugged. "Not sure what. Other than that no, why?"

He smiled. "I wanna take you out somewhere, when you've got the chance. Introduce you to a friend. You'd like him."

"I've got time anywhere the next two days. Or today, if you wanna include it as part of our date." You smirked.

He smiled back slyly. "Mhm. So, about this date, any particular reason you wanted to go on it?"

You paused. "Um..." Blush crept over your cheeks. "Well... I wanted to get to know you better."

"Is that so?" He asked, still smiling. "Well, in that case, let me get you a drink."


And that was how, at the end of the day, you and him opened the door to your house.

"So your saying that he went from being a depressed counter guy to a sheriff?" You giggled, picturing it.

"He'd always had some pretty big dreams." Sans grinned, shutting the door. He paused and swayed on his feet, putting a hand to his skull. "Oh, ow. Can I get some water?"

You put a hand on his arm. "Woah, you alright?"

"I just need water." He mumbled, his eye lights pinpoints.

You frowned and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the kitchen. You didn't see it, but he blushed faintly.

"Here, hold on and let me find a clean cup." You rushed to a cabinet and yanked down a mug, filling it with tap water. You turned. "Okie, he-" You jumped and closed your eyes. "Jesus."

Sans slowly grabbed the cup. "Thank you." He'd walked up behind you while you were pouring the water, standing unusually close.
You noticed he didn't pull it out of your hands and just held it, his hands over yours.

You looked up. "Sans?"

He stared at you silently, his breath blowing gently over your cheeks.
You'd always worried about that. A guys breath smelling bad. But his actually smelled kind of... sweet. Like sugar, if sugar had a smell. Did it?

You were shocked out of your thoughts when his hand touched your cheek. "(Y/n)?" He asked gently, running his thumb over your lips.

You blushed deeply. "Mm- Sans- uh...."

He leaned forward and brushed his (lips? Idk) against yours.


You made a small noise of distress and pulled away a second after. "No. We- we're just a little-..." You put both hands on the counter behind you. "Tipsy." You whispered, breathless.

He'd had one hand on the counter and the other on your cheek. The cup was behind you. He looked scared. "Oh, I'm sorry, if you didn't want me to-" He pulled away, blushing.

You grabbed his hands. "No, your fine! I just-" You thought about it. Mine. Sans hadn't said it. You'd remembered your old boyfriend saying it a lot. You didn't want that. You didn't want Sans to think-

Sans waited for you to finish. You shivered. "I just don't want to get hurt." You whispered, quickly releasing his hands and brushing past him.

"(Y/n), wait a minute-"

You sprinted to your room, closed the door, and leaned against it, crying softly.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن