Story: Forty One

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"You got FIRED?"

You wince. "W-well, yeah."

Sans puts both his hands on his head, groaning in annoyance. "(Y/n), neither of us has a job now. We don't have a money income."

".... oh." You whisper.

"Jesus, (Y/n), what were you thinking?" He yells at you.

"She was a fucking bigot! What'd you expect me to do?" You snap.

"Deal with it! Who cares what she is, she's your source of fucking income!" He covers his face and turns away.

"Why're you stressing so much? There are more jobs-" You start.

"No, there aren't. Not in the area, that can support the ENTIRE MANSION you live in. Fuck, (Y/n)." He sighs into hands, then turns and says," I've gotta get that job."

You frown. "What job?"

"The one that's way far away. The science one." He mumbles. "It pays pretty well."

"What? But you'll be gone so long-!" You cry.

"Well I don't have much of a choice, do I!" He snaps. "You got yourself fired, and I don't want you to lose your house."

"I won't-"

"Yes you will!" He shouts. "You'll stop paying your bills, you'll start selling your junk-" He gestures around at your grandparents stuff. "-And then you'll-" He stops himself and turns away again.

You pull your legs up to your chest, wanting to sink into the living rooms couch. He's trying to stop yelling, and you're just making it worse.
Standing, you walk up behind him and put your hands on his shoulders.

"Th-then, take the job. It'll be fine, I'll find one here, too-"

He pulls away, arms crossed over his chest. "That's not the point. You don't get it. This place.... it's not safe. It's underground." He mumbles.

".... it's not safe?" You ask, dumbfounded.

"Not anymore. And I have to go work down there. But I'm used to it, I did live there for like... ten? Eleven years?" He scoffs.

You fold your arms over your stomach, pressing against it. "Im sorry. I wasn't thinking."

It takes a second, but he says, "no, it's fine. Don't say your sorry. I just..." He tugs on the sleeves of his jacket. "I don't want to leave you guys."

You want to sink into the floorboards now.

"You and Frisk, I mean." He rubs his eye(sockets) and sighs heavily. "This.... sucks. To put it bluntly." He turns and sits on the couch. You quickly join him.

"I want you to keep an eye on Frisk. If she changes, if she-" He puts a hand over his mouth, lowering his voice, sounding almost scared. "If she changes.... just call me. Call me, text me, whatever."

"Changes?" Now you're just creeped out.

"Like, acts differently. You know, changes. If I'm not here to help her, she'll-"

"She'll be fine." You assure him.

He doesn't look to sure, but he nods anyways. "Yeah."


You didn't think much of the whole Frisk thing. Sans packed up, no big deal, planned on leaving in about two days.
Frisk seemed uneasy.

"So you won't be at the school anymore."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now