Story: Thirteen

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"Hey, Tori, you don't look so good."

"I feel sick. My stomach, my head..."

"Here, I got some medicine."

"Thanks Sans. This looks familiar..."

"Papy used to take it."

"Oh, right..."


You smiled at the Mirror.

Get your butt downstairs and get ready

You brushed your hair, put on a casual outfit, and modeled in the full length mirror on your closet door.
You looked good.
With a sigh, you looked at the bedroom door.
Hopefully Sans thinks so to.


You scarfed down your cereal, glanced at the time, and paused.
You had two hours.
With a groan, you flopped down on your couch and stared at the ceiling.
Why don't guys ever worry about what girls think of them?
Why did the girls have to try so hard?

You snuggled into the couch and yawned, not bothering to wonder where Sans was.


Your phone buzzed, and you groggily looked over.

"Your mommas callin' back.
For no real reason but, just to chat."

You giggled at the ring tone. Toriel.

"She'll waste your minutes talking 'bout the cat."

You picked it up. "Hello?"

"My child, Frisk wanted to speak with you about something."

"Oh? Alright. Put her on."

You checked the time and gasped, then scrambled up.

"Mrs. (L/n)?"

"Hey! Frisk, what's up?"

You fixed your hair, grabbed your keys and wallet, then ran outside to your car as Frisk said," Is Sans doing okay? I haven't seen him..."

"Yeah, yeah, he's great. In fact, I about to go somewhere with him." You got inside the car, then started the ignition.

"Go somewhere? Like go out with him? Huh!" She gasped. "On a date?"

You nodded, then realized she couldn't see you. "Yep. But don't tell Tori."

"Too late, she already heard. Hey... when your done with your date... tell Sans I need to show him something."

"Okay, well I gotta go now Frisk. I'll tell him."


"Hey Sans. Undyne's not here?" You sat next to him.

He shrugged. "Nah. She's probably mourning."


"She had this girlfriend, who kinda went batshit crazy and killed a couple of people. She's gone now, no one knows where she is." He smiled sadly.

"Oh." You said. "Um... she's a lesbian? I thought... since you'd seen her naked..."

Sans' eye sockets widened. "No! Nonono, nothing like that. There was this dare..."

You giggled. "Now I know. Hey, you want me to get you something?"

He shook his head. "I'm paying." He waved at Grillby, who walked over. He gave Sans a ketchup and looked at you.

"Mm.... I'll take.... Fries."

Sans glanced at you, then said,"so will I."

You bite your lip, and when Grillby is gone you whisper," hey, Sans."

He glances at you. "Hm?"

"So I've been thinking about you," you paused, realizing that sounded weird." Er.... about your skeletal state of being...."

He smiled and nodded slowly, blushing.
Again. How did he even-?

"So, do you have like..." You gestured at your own body and said," ribs, and bones and such?"

His smile looked kind of forced. "Your asking about my weight, huh?"

Your face flushed red. "Uh.... kind of. More like I'm wondering how you actually have.... that, if your a skeleton."

He glanced around then leaned kind of close. "Listen, remember how I said that, well, I use magic?"

You nodded.

"Well, I have an excess amount of it. So I need someway to release it. Now, I have many ways of doing that, most of which I won't say," He added in a mumble. Then continued," But one of them is.... well, skeleton monsters have to eat."

"Yeah..." You said.

"But we only have ribs... so it would just go sraight through... but we have this, er, thing we do. We make these kind of.... stomachs? Kinda, that break down food and form it into energy, or magic, as you call it. But we can summon them? Not sure how to say it. We can get rid of them any time we want, basically."

"So... using it uses up 'energy'..."


"So you keep your... 'stomach' there constantly, to use up energy."

He nodded smiling. "That's it."

"... you could have explained that so much easier."

He chuckled. "Yeah. I realize that." He leaned closer. "Wanna see what happens if I don't use it up?"

You nodded, excitedly. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it up. You looked down.
Nothing. Empty ribs. No... there is something.
A soul. His soul. It was light green, and dark blue, with black swirling in the midst of it. "How many souls do you have?"

He paused. "Mm.... two. Mine and that humans. Only one human, though. Don't worry. Here, look." He held out his hand.
You looked away from his soul and at his hand. "Woah..." You whispered. It was more clawed, the bones sharper. Like talons.
You looked at him. "That's-" You jumped. His face looked more beast like, and he seemed to realize this.

"Oh..." He pulled his shirt down and turned away. "Ima go check on Grillbz." Then he quickly left, seeming embarrassed.

You stared after him. He had thick ribs.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now