Story: Eleven

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Sans stared in awe.
He'd never seen M look the way she did now.
They were standing on a very, VERY tall building, and the breeze was gentle, causing the potted plants around them to wave and whisper.
M sighed in bliss. She had her head tilted back, her eyes closed, her lips parted...
"This is... freedom."

Sans stared at her, and he felt something.
He looked down at his chest. His blue and green soul was glowing through the fabric of his jacket.
And he smiled, genuinely, for the first time in a long time.


"I have NO words Sans!"

He blushed. "But I was just-"

"Sans, their better off in a shelter than on the streets!" You paced in front of him. "There are people, bad people, that don't like animals- Sans, you gotta take them back."

His eye lights turned into pinpricks, barely there. "What?"

You stopped pacing. "You have to-" A kitten crawled out of his hood, looking sleepy. He put it back.
"Sans! You need to take them back."

Sans shook his head. "No, their mine. My cats. Mine."

You noticed his hands gripping each other. You wondered if he could crack his bones. "No they aren't."

He looked down, his face shadowed. "I watched those cats grow. I took care of them. I raised them. I am their family. Their mine."

You reflected on what Tori had said.

"He's overly possessive, overly agressive..."

You paused. ".... Sans..."

He didn't answer.

"You can keep them."

His head shot up. "Really?! I can-"

"IF you tell me why you like them so much."

He sighed. "Sit down."

You did.

"Heh. It.... It was awhile ago. Thirteen years, I think. Monsters had once again come to the surface."

You frowned. "I already-"

He glared. "Sh! I'm not done. So they'd come to the surface. I was good. I was nice. But then a human attacked, a bad human. A murderer. I absorbed his soul."

He paused and took a shivering breath.

"I.... was scared. I didn't want them to see me. My family... Metta, Tori, Frisk... they wouldn't understand. So I hid. But a close friend, D.A.D., he persuaded me to come to the surface. So I did."

"Doesn't that spell da-?"

"But I got involved in some... bad things. I started living on the streets. Alone. So I took care of myself only, which was easy enough."

You frowned harder. "Where do the cats-?"

"I'm getting there!" He said, exasperated. "Now, one day, I found a kitten. Little, gray and brown kitten. He was pretty beat up, so I took him in and nursed him back to health, feeding him and such.
Finally, I let him go. But he kept pausing and walking back, so I followed him. He was older now, no longer a kitten.
He took me to more cats, and I realized just how badly they needed help. They were all skinny, torn up, injured, sick....
So I helped them. I would starve myself to feed those cats, just to keep them alive. And finally, M found me. She took me in, but I still went out and fed the cats, helped the injured... M found out and actually let them come and go as they pleased, which most stayed and lived with us."

There was a silence.

"So, that's why you snuck out?" You said.

He nodded. "I've been sneaking out. Every night, no matter where I am."

You smiled. "That's beautiful. Can you tell me more about M?"

He paused. "That's a story for a different time. It's late, you should head up to bed."

You stood. "Make sure you get sleep too, okay? Don't push yourself."

He nodded.

"Also, take the kitten back to its family."


"Oh, hey, your shirt is awsome!"

You looked down. You'd worn the shirt, because it was your favorite. The anime it had on it was the best, and it seemed the teenage girl working in Walmart thought so too.

You grinned and blushed. "Thanks. Hey, do you know if their making anymore seasons?"

She leaned close, as if telling a secret. "I heard that there's another coming out next month!"

You giggled. "Thanks! Oh, and have a nice day."

"You too!"

You'd walked to Walmart by yourself, and you realized you'd stayed kinda late.
You guess that meant you'd walk home, alone, at night.
Sans had said something about not doing that, hadn't he?

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora