Story: Twenty Seven

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"Have they called you?"


You and Sans were playing Call of Duty again.

"You going in tonight?"

"Yep." He answered. "Same time as usual. Not sure why they didn't need me before this, but okay. I'll be back before you wake up."

You nodded, concentrating on the game. "Okay. So should I sleep in my room?"

"Oh, it's really your choice." He glanced over at you. "Do you have any plans?"

You gave a little scoff. "Maybe in my dreams!" You and him both laughed a little, but after awhile, he had to get off to go get his stuff.
You watched as he walked back and forth through the main rooms, grabbing his phone, jacket, and so on.

"About what time are you getting home?"

"If luck has it, around midnight. Or later. Who knows." He sighed. "I wish they'd tell me at least a day before, so I could get some sleep."

You frowned. "Why don't you ask?"

"I don't think they like me very much. Me being a monster and all." He smiled, but it looked a bit forced.
He always laughed at himself.

"H-hold on, come here." You said standing up quickly as he grabbed the doorknob.
He obliged, and you gave him a tight hug. "It's alright."

"Are you?"

The question caught you off guard. "What?"

"Are you alright?" You realized he wasn't hugging you back, and looked up to find him staring at you.

"I-... I guess. Why?"

"Because your acting wierd. I just assumed something was wrong." He gave you a quick kiss, hugged you back, and said, "I'll text. Or call."


He didn't. In fact, he came home way before he said he would. You were just getting out of the shower as the front door opened, and you glanced down at him.

"Sans? What's up, why are you here?"

"They laid me off." He said simply as he dropped his house key on the table next to yours.

You started down the stairs. "They fired you? Is it because-"

"No, it is most definitely not the cats." He snapped, quickly going into the kitchen. You guessed he was getting water.

Your theory was proven true as you walked in. He was leaning on a counter with a cup in hand. "So why'd they do it?"

"Because someone filed a report, saying that I was making them uncomfortable. I'd never even seen, or talked to them. It was just me." He sighed miserably.

You chewed on your lips. "Oh." What do you say about something like that? "Well..."

"Am I scary to you?" He asked suddenly.

You immidiantly said, "no." But then thought about it. "Well... Maybe I was a little shocked when I first saw you, but that's not just you. Even Undyne had that effect on me."
He didn't answer, so you kept going. "And even then, that's not what your like. So what if you have... sharp teeth or... or, I don't know, no eyes? Your personality is what matters. And you've got an awsome personality."

He smiled, setting his glass down. You smiled, too, feeling successful. "Alright, kid. If you say so."

"I do say so, and I mean it." You put on a motherly voice. "Now go to your room and sleep this off. I'll be there to tuck you in soon." You winked, and he chuckled, shaking his head as he left. You watched him leave, then got your own glass and made some, (whateverthefuck kind of drink you like).
You could live with him.


You'd expected him to be laying down, at least, but he was actually sitting in front of the junk-nado, his hand in it.
You smiled and slipped in, then sat behind him and covered his eyes. "Boo."

He withdrew his hand and grabbed yours, then kissed your fingers. "Heyah babe."

"Hey." You said softly, leaning against his back. And that was it. You and him just sat together, listening to nothing and just enjoying the company.
It felt like hours before you finally said, "What other kind of jobs are you gonna look for?"

"I don't know kid." He said quietly, staring at his junk-nado.

You patted his shoulder. "It's all good."

"Eh. Not really." He shrugged. "But hey, let's go to sleep. Like you said, we can sleep it off, huh?"

You nodded, scooting back as he stood and helped you up.


You learned something new everyday.
Though you very much preferred not to learn certain things while you were at work.
Like the fact that Sans had a cop looking for him.

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

The cop nodded, his movements quick and jerky. He looked unhappy. "Yeah, I was wondering if you knew Sans."
He was an orange cat monster, big ears laid flat against his head beneath his hat. He pulled it off in sort of a polite gesture, nodding again. "Tall, skeleton monster, Blue jacket...?

"Um... Yeah. I do. Why? Is something wrong?" You asked, confused.

"No, of course not. I just needed to ask him some questions." He was using that voice that cops used when they were dancing around questions, and avoiding answering. "Where can I find him?"

You stared at him warily. ".... how about you give me your number, and I'll call you when I find him. I'm not sure where he is."

"Alright, missus, that'd be great." He pulled out a small notebook and started quickly writing. You watched until he was done, then took it.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you ma'am." He said, putting his hat back on. He tipped it lightly, then turned on heel and left.
You glanced at the paper. Underneath the number were the initials: BP.


"You wanna tell me why I got a visit from a cop today?"

Sans shrugged, frowning as you handed him the paper. "Bp?"

"Yeah. What'd you do?"

Sans fiddled with the corner of the paper, sighing out, "he's been keeping an eye on me is all."

"Mhm. Sure. Why is he doing that exactly?" You planted a hand on your hip.


"Yeah, that's what I thought." You said angrily. "You're calling him."

"What!" He scoffed. "No. No, thank you. I'd prefer to keep my freedom."

You scoffed, too. "Sans, what did you do? Whatever it is, he's not going to bring you in for it, right?" When he didn't answer, you got worried. "Right?"

He chuckled nervously. "Um.... I hope not?" He set the paper down. "I'll call him tomorrow."

"No, your going to call him now."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now