Story: Forty Six

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You woke up early.
Immidiantly wide awake from the shock of a nightmare, you frowned and glanced around. Didn't I fall asleep on the couch?

On your way downstairs, you kept an eye out for Sans, but he was nowhere to be seen. You made a bowl of cereal, unable to avoid the thought of Dino Oats! as you did so.
You cleaned your bowl, checked the mail, and still no sign of Sans.

"Where is he?" You wondered out loud, fully expecting him to answer, as he usually would. He didn't.

You checked his room, but why would he still be aslee-

"Heh..." You smiled at him, sleeping at his desk, one hand under his head and the other loosely holding a pencil. You didn't want to wake him.
He looked.... surprisingly peaceful, while asleep.
His mouth was slightly open, and he was completely relaxed. His fingers twitched every few seconds, but he was otherwise still.
You leaned against the door frame and watched him for a few seconds, before going back upstairs, retrieving his jacket, and throwing it over him. He stirred a bit, then settled back down and buried his face into his arm.


Sans woke up around twelve, which was around the time that you were making some lunch, for you and him.
You were humming softly as you flipped the grill cheese you were making, smiling.
His hands found your shoulders and you jolted a little, catching the pan before it slipped. "Sans!"

"Heyah babe." He said softly. "Sleep well?"

You glanced over your shoulder at him. "Very well. Did you?"

He shrugged. "Eh, I would've preferred not to sleep in, but there's no helping that." He chuckled, a grin playing over his face. "You are sharing that, right?"


You couldn't bring yourself to ruin his mood and bring up Frisk. He seemed more relaxed, and you assumed it was his long sleep.
He seemed more light hearted as he spent his day making up for the past couple of them. You and him just spent the day together, just you and him, doing whatever crazy things came to your minds. You even convinced him to eat a spoonful of cinnamon, WHICH he did, and ate it without a single scream of horror. In fact, he ate two. And smiled. Then decided he'd share the taste with you, and that ended up starting a very heated makeout session, which you ended by having a coughing fit. Cinnamon was not your cup of tea.

"Sans, you're being overly nice today." You said suddenly in the middle of making yourself some actual tea. Mostly to help sooth your burning throat.

"Would you prefer me being overly mean?" He asked

You giggled and joked, "well, I mean, some people are into that."
He chuckled along with you.

"Yep, can't argue that." He grabs your hands and pulls them to his mouth, muttering, "Your into other things though, right?"

You blush, using the microwaves beep as a reason to pull your hands away and take put your cup. He places his hands on your hips, pulling you back against him and kissing the back of your neck.

You almost dropped your cup. "S-sans-" You giggled.
He dragged his teeth over the sensative skin, raising every fine hair on your body. "Sans, I'm holding glass."

He slipped it out of your hands and set it on the counter. "Not anymore~" He purred, his hands instantly pushing your shirt up.
You "eep!"ed, and blushed madly as you squirmed.

"Saaans!" You whined. "I'm thirsty!"

"Thirsty for what, though?"

Okay, I walked into that one. "My tea is gonna get c-co- SANS I'M TRYING TO TALK TO YOU!" You squealed, moving to smack his hands, which had moved to your pants.

He chuckled, pinning your hands against the counter and purring, "aw, c'mon. We've been talking all day! Let's have a bit of quiet time together."

"I'd hardly call this q-quiet time." You mumbled, as he nuzzled your ear.

"Heh, close enough, baby." He bit it, and you blushed, giggling and turning your head away.

"Aw, embarrassed?"


He used his magic to hold your hands captive against the counter, and explored with his own. He slid them over your waist, your stomach, pushed your shirt up and pressed against your abdomen, pulling your hips against his.
You pulled lightly at your hands, just testing the magic, and it let go immidiantly.

"Alright, you just had to ask." He purred.

You might've moved your hands, had his hips not pressed into yours more firmly, and he whispered, "wanna help me out a bit?" As he tugged on the button of your pants.

And for that spilt second, you actually almost wanted to say no. But then again...
Your hands fumbled with it for a second, before getting your pants unbuttoned, and he slipped his fingers under the hem, pushing them down.
He paused, with the pants at your knees, planted a soft kiss on your hip, then was back on his feet and leaning against you.

"That's better."

"S-Sans, I'm gonna fall-" He'd left the pants bunched up at your knees.

"I'll hold you up."

Every kiss he planted on your bare skin was hot enough to burn, but you didn't mind. Though you couldn't stop yourself from making little noises here and there.
He didn't bother pulling your shirt off as he nuzzled your neck, inhaling your scent before pushing his shorts down a bit.
You closed your eyes tightly, letting out a shakey breath as he pressed the head of his- you know- against your entrance.
He groaned softly, his hands gripping the more fleshy part of your hips as he hilted himself inside of you, no foreplay or anything. You cried out and clenched your fists atop the counter, the same counter that dug into your pelvic region with each of his thrusts.
He was surprisingly good at clearing your mind of troubled thoughts.

He pulled out, turned you around, and growled, "sorry if I hurt you."

You shivered as he kissed you, his fingers digging into the flesh on your waist.

This should be fun.



I'm so sorry for the long wait, but I've been stressed lately, and couldn't concentrate on this very well.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoyed the chappy.

I only read over this once, so feel free to tell me if I made a fatal flaw somewhere >~<

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