Story: Fifty One

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"Hm?" You purred, chin resting on his forearm as your hand went to work downtown. You and him were both laying on your sides, you behind him and reaching over him for access to his pelvic girdle.

"I know your really horny right now..."


"But it's literally one a.m. and I need my beauty rest."

"Hun, you need a hybernation if its for beauty. Ouch! Hey, no smacking!Heh, fine, then go to sleep."

"I can't when I'm using my energy, you dweeb."

"Then stop using it."

"I would if I could. How about you stop touching it?" He gave you a humorous look.

You giggled softly. "I'm having fun. You know, I've never given someone a hand job."

"Well, good for you, this is a first and you're already an expert. Congratu-fucken-lations."

You glanced at his face to make sure he wasn't mad or anything, then continued on with what you were doing. You moved your hand to his illiac crest, running your fingers along it softly before moving to his tail bone.

He made a noise and gently re-directed you, twisting his hips lightly. You gave him a sly glance.

"Babe no."

"Babe yes."

You circled a finger over the edge and he moaned softly, turning his head a bit to hide his face in the crook of his arm as it lit up green. (His face, not his arm you dingus)

"I have to repay you somehow Sansy~" You purr, grinning.

"I regret ever tellin' yah 'bout this." He mummered.

Earlier in the night, you'd accidentally tickled Sans, and gotten a good deal of information about how sensative certain bones were.
You'd spent a lot of time testing just how sensative. The under side of his ribs, near the spine, got first place.

You smile and giggle a little bit, just thinking about his reaction. He gives you a look. "Hun, please, I'd love to sleep."

"Alright, alright." You withdraw, running your fingers over his arm delicately before laying back on the pillows.

You can tell he's trying to hide it, but his bones make him mostly see-through as he reaches down to suppress his magic.

It always looks kinda wierd when he gets rid of it, and he always gets blushy and stuttery when he notices you watching.
He doesn't notice this time, thank God.

Once you feel like he'll be fine with it, you snuggle up and nuzzle him. He rolls over and pulls you into a tight embrace. "Night night."

"G night, Sansy."



"But baaaaabe!"

"It's final, take it outside."

"She." He corrects, petting the kitten's head. "Pleaaaase?"

You cross your arms to keep away the temptation of petting it. 'Her', you silently correct yourself.

"We aren't keeping a cat in this house and that's final."

"Yeesh, mom, fine." Sans makes a face at you. "I'll take her back outside." He plops onto into the couch, depositing the limp, sleeping cat in the hood of his jacket.


You sigh. "Sans."

"You never said when I had to take her outside."

With a small noise of defeat, you throw your hands up and exit the room, grumbling about cats.


He brings it up in the middle of dinner.

"So babe, I've been wondering'..."

"Hm?" You take a bite of Mac 'n Cheese, lifting a brow.

He drums his fingers against the table, mummering, "I haven't accidentally found a single hidden pregnancy test."

You choke on your food.

"Which surprises me, because I'm quite used to finding those."

You don't actually catch that last part, (luckily for him), and you clear your throat. "U-um... that's quite the delima."

"Not really, I'm just curious, is all. Aren't you worried?"

"Should I be?" You set your fork on the small table, still coughing a bit.

"No, but I mean... aren't you?" He looks genuinely curious, as he continues drumming his fingers, the bone making louder tapping noises than just normal nail.
It irritates you.

"Not really. Last I heard, I was barren."

"You're what?" He frowns. "What the hell does 'barren' mean?"

"... It..." You prop your chin in your hand. "...Means I can't have kids."

There's a beat of silence, before his eye socket grows wide. "Wait, that's a thing? That's actually possible? Some chick's aren't-?"

"Fertile? Well, yeah, I mean... doesn't it happen in monsters too, sometimes?"

He chuckles. "Not really. We monsters make offspring with soul energy rather than actual sex. The only time we can't reproduce is if one or the other is depressed." He tilts his head. "Which is why you shouldn't be worried. I can't get anyone preggers."

You scrunch your nose at him playfully. "Don't talk so crudely."

"My apologies, madame." He winks, standing and grabbing your unfinished food.
You giggle, protesting and standing up to follow him.

"Sans! I'm not finished!"

"Now you are."

He holds both plates in one hand, surprisingly steady, unlike usual, and smacks away your hands with the other. After depositing them in the sink, Sans turns, reaching up to hold your face in his hands.

Your raise one brow at him, suspiciously, before the other joins in as he gives you a soft, but surprisingly firm kiss.
You melt, wrapping both arms around his neck and standing on your toes, but he suddenly pulls back before it gets anymore heated. He instead presses his forehead against yours, close enough to share each other's breath.

"I love you a lot, alright?"

You nodded, breathless and more than a little confused.

"Like, I would literally die for you, okay?"

"Sans, where'd this come from?" Your brows furrow suspiciously.

"I most certainly, am not using you for sex."

You laugh, trying to ease the tension a bit. "I already knew that..." No I didn't.

"I'm just making sure. I've had a lot of people think I was using them, and I don't want you thinkin' that too. I love you more than the sunrise, even."

"The sunrise?" Your look goes from suspicion and confusion to just plain out confused. "What's so good about the sunrise?"

He stares at you for a few seconds, and you slowly get more and more uncomfortable. Did you said something wrong? Was he mad?

Just as the thought comes, it leaves once he closes his eyes and let's out a soft laugh. "Nothing. It's just really pretty."

You can tell your missing something big, like it should be in plain sight, but nothing comes to you. Did he ever say anything about a sunrise? Did it hold some special memory?
When you turn up nothing but dust in your brain, you give up.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, babe."

You smile, face heating up again as he gently peppers your cheeks with kisses, turning away bashfully before he finally frees you.

"Jeez, your to nice." You scrub at your red cheeks, and he chuckles again.

"I'll make sure you bathe in showers of kisses every single morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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