Story: Ten

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"M, wait-


Sans threw his head back and laughed. "Man, you suck at this. I warned you not to go running into enemy lines, but noooo, you just had to."

M teared up and pouted. "I'll never get good at this game!"

Sans chuckled and hugged her, ruffling her silver hair. "Just keep practicing."

She smiled. "Okay."
She'd only been pretending to be sad so he'd hug her.


Your eyes adjusted to the darkness slowly.
Had you heard something? What'd woken you up?
You sat up, but it was silent.
The time was ----- am, and you were ready to pass out again.
So you did.


"Hey its you-"

You turned it off.
You stretched.
You went into the bathroom, splashed water on your face, and looked up.
Someone had written something on the mirror.

Turn around to see something beautiful.

You slowly turned. You stared at your face in the other mirror.

Also the perfect size

Your eyes widened. Did Sans...?

You hurried out of the bathroom, and paused when you saw the mirrors in the hall uncovered. You'd had drapes over them.

Hey beautiful

You went to the next one.

What, do you still not beleiv me?

You smiled at the spelling error.

Alright. Fine, I'll humor you

Super-cali- who gives a fuck
You don't need words to know your beautiful

You don't need someone else to tell you it

Still here?

Hm can't think of anything
Oh, how about

Trust me, your skinny

I'm running out of mirrors kid

Okay seriously enough


Fine. You look better then my first sunset

"His first sunset?" You mumbled.

Alright, how about....
You look A LOT better than Tori

Last mirror up next

This one still had its drape over it. You noticed some rulers on the ground as you pulled it up.

He'd put a circle right around where your face would be, and around the circle he'd put arrows and little comments.

See that? Damn sexy

Oh honey you got no idea

Oh la la

Hair on FLEEK

big mirror...

Are you wearing the locket?

You looked down. No, it wasn't there. You teared up as you walked down the stairs. He was sitting on the couch, hunched over and sleeping.
You inched up to him. In his hand was black lipstick. He must've used it to write on the mirrors.
You tapped his shoulder. He gasped and looked up, squinting. "Hm? Oh, hey-"

You leaned down and hugged him, holding back tears.
He sighed and hugged you back.
"Big baby."


"Oh, I'm a mighty mighty man I'm young and I'm in my prime."

You took a sip of tea, sighing. Sans took a swallow of ketchup.

"Yes! I'm a mighty mighty man I'm young and I'm in my prime."

You yawned. "What time is it?"

He looked at his phone. "It's ---- pm. Why? You got a date?"

You shook your head. "Not really. Don't you have work at nine?"

He shook his head, too. "Not tonight. They might lay me off. They think I'm stealing cats."

You slowly looked at him. "Wha-?"

"Yeah, their catching on."

"WHAT? Sans your stealing- where are you putting them?" You set your cup down.

He blushed. "I'm putting them with there families. But shh! Don't tell anyone."

You rubbed your forhead. "I just- I can't even Sans. You, stealing cats."

"It's not stealing! It's returning..." He pouted.


"Why are you sleeping on the couch?"

"I just-"

"Let me guess, 'I was cold!'"

"I only-"

"You only what?"

"I-I just- you wouldn't..."

You jumped up as the front door slammed. You'd fallen asleep on the couch.
Who had gone outside-?
You pushed off whatever blankets you had on and crept to the door.
You could hear something...

You cracked it open.
Meowing. Cats. Everywhere.
Not literally, but there were at least thirty, mewling and purring.
Sans was in the middle, smiling happily, feeding them little Hotdogs slices and nuzzling the ones on his shoulders.
There was even a kitten in his hood.

Your mouth dropped open.

He laughed quietly, almost giggling, and whispered," you guys are amazing." He seemed to favor a little tabby kitten; he was scratching under its chin and cuddling it.
One of its ears was gone, and so was it's tale, but it was purring.
He handed it a little Hotdog bit and rubbed his thumb over its head.


He whipped around, his eye lights glowing slightly in the night. "OH MY ASGORE WHAT THE HELL?!" The tabby jumped and crawled onto his jacket.
He took a second to calm down. "(Y/n)... what are you doing awake?"

You just stared.

Is the cutest thing.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now