Story: Four

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"M, you never talk about your family."

".... Sans that's a bit personal."

"Sorry. You don't have to-"

"I had parents. That's all I have to say. But what about you?"

"I had a...." His breath hitched. "I h-had... I had a brother. He's gone now."
Sans gritted his teeth and sobbed, kind of leaning over. As if in pain.

M frowned and stood. "Hey, it's okay." She grabbed his hands. "Aw, honey, don't cry."

He wailed.

She bit her lip, then said. "Listen to me. Scream as loud as you need to. Scream as long as you need to. Just remember to scream. Let out all those pent up emotions."
And she started crying with him.
He covered his face, and she did to.
Through his sadness, he almost smiled. He wasn't alone.
He had M.


"Frisk, honey who is that?"

She didn't look up from her coloring. "Sans."

"But Sans doesn't look like that hun."

Frisk nodded. "I know. This is before he changed."


"Yah. He did something really bad. He didn't mean to. But he did."

"....what was it?" You asked.

She looked up at you, her face blank. "He absorbed a human soul." Then she looked back at her drawing.

You frowned. "He what?"

She didn't say anything.


You have three new messages.

Bossy Bitch: hey, I'm going on a family trip. I need you to look after the place. I'll pay you extra, hun! Xoxo

Sans: hey, wanna get together sometime?

Sans: oh, Tori doesn't seem to like that idea. Maybe not.

Bossy Bitch

You: yeah, I guess that's alright. But I'm holding you to your word.


You: Tori and you are BOTH adults. She kinda treats you like a child. If you wanna go out sometime, I'm fine with that. Nothing better to do.

Sans: you got any places?

You: there's this bar called Grillby's...

Sans: say no more. That's my fave place.

You: Tomorrow?

Sans: tomorrow night.

You: don't forget

Sans: wouldn't dream of it


"I didn't know you came here."

"I didn't know you did." You smiled at him.

The bar was right in front of you. You only came here on the rare occasion, cause usually the monsters inside would give you dirty looks.
Maybe that's just because their drunk.

"After you." Sans held open the door.

You patted his shoulder as you walked in.
There she was.

Undyne was a special kind of different. You'd never seen anyone beat her in a drinking contest, she liked hitting people, she flipped chairs and tables, beat up anyone who messed with the chicks-
You liked her.

She was snoring on a counter, and Grillby was glowering at her. He seemed to hate the fact that she practically lived at his bar, but he was at war. He did get a lot of profit from her.
He never spoke. But when he was mad, or frustrated, he was terrifying.

He waved lightly at you, then nodded at Sans. He pointed to Undyne.

Sans chuckled. "She asleep? I'll wake her up."

He sat down next to her, and you next to him. He grabbed her shoulder and shook her roughly." Hey, fsh! Wakey wakey, the party arrived."

Undyne snorted, and Grillby scrambled to get a shot in front of her. She stretched, downed the shot, and smiled at Sans. "Hey bro. What up?"

Sans shrugged. "The sky, really. But I got a friend today."
He leaned back and gestured at you.
"Undyne, this is-"

"That's (Y/n)! Aw man, she's unbeatable in a drinking contest."

You giggled. "Nah, your the best. You know everyone goes easy on me. Just cause I'm small."

Sans smirked. "Ah. So you know each other. That's cool."

Undyne chuckled and downed the second glass put in front of her. "You know, we had a very important visitor yesterday."

Sans' smiled dwindled. "Important...?"

"Yep. The King came in. You missed it."

You lifted a brow. "King?"

Sans nodded. "Of the underground. I'd heard he was still living down there. How is the fella?"

Undyne shook her head. "Not good. He's taking the whole,'human souls, thing real bad. It's weighin' down on him that Tori still hates 'im." She sighed and sipped the next drink. "Gotta feel bad for him."

Sans nodded.

You frowned. "Human souls?"

Sans nodded again. "Poor guy killed six humans back when we were trapped down there. Hoping to help us escape. But his- erm... well. I shouldn't say. Someone else did it for him."

Undyne leaned on the counter and smiled at you. "So. You Sans' new-"

Sans shoved her off her stool, and the stool also tipped. She fell silently, and Grillby made a distressed noise.

Sans snickered. "Don't worry. The chairs fine."

Undyne scoffed. "So am I, thanks for askin'."

She stood, and her legs gave out. Sans caught her, and held her up with one hand, picked her chair up with the other, and sat her down. "There."

She blinked. "Yeah, thanks. You owe me an arm wrestling contest."

Sans narrowed his eye sockets. "Oh, your on."

You leaned over the counter to get a better look as they clasped each other's hands. Undyne sneered at his hand. "I'll win this time."

You frowned. Doesn't she always win?

Sans smirked. "Ready... set...."

"Go!" Undyne yelled.
Nothing happened.

Undyne pushed against his hand, but he didn't even try. He wasn't even moving at all. Undyne was straining and trying to move him, but it didn't work.
She glared at him.

"You can use two hands if you want."

Undyne did. And still failed.

You giggled and ordered three drinks. They were cheap enough.

Sans finally yawned and slammed Undyne's hand into the counter. She winced. "Fine. You win."
She shook her head. "I'm getting drunk. Alcohol equals peace of mind."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now