Story: Twenty Six

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"I'll be nice."

"Their MINE. MY cats."


You felt shaken. Sans was down stairs in his room, doing whatever, while you were in yours, laying in bed and thinking. All of those things he'd said had sounded strange. Every one of them.
They didn't sound like him. It's like he was two different people at once. You sighed and closed your eyes. It was getting late, and you had work tomorrow. Maybe you'd be able to sleep.


Sans looked surprised to see you dressed that early. "Where're you going?"

"Work." You said simply.

He nodded, not realising anything was off. "Nice. I think I'll go visit Aunt June."

You nodded too, if not a little stiffly. "Mhm."

He squinted at you. "Are you alright kid? You seem a bit..."

"Tired?" You finished quickly. "Yeah, I really am." With a little stretch, you kissed his head. "Gotta go or I'll be late."

He nodded, seeming confused. "Sure. I'll see you later?"

"I guess." You grabbed the shoulder bag, slipping it on and turning away.

"Hey-" He said quickly, grabbing your hand. You tensed as he wrapped you in a big hug. "Are you okay?"

"Just a little bit confused." You weren't lying. Everything was a bit confusing.

"Alright, well, love you."

With a quick nod and a kiss, you muttered, " love you, too."

You pulled away, then left quickly.


Although Frisk wasn't talking, you tried your darn-est to get her too. So did another girl.

"Frisk! Frisk, look what I drew!"

Fran pushed a paper towards her. "It's me and my dog!"

Frisk pushed her own picture back. On it, was written, "DOGGO." You frowned.

"Frisk! I brought some brownies! Want some?"

"Hm." Frisk turned away. Fran looked heartbroken.

You pulled Fran aside. "Listen, hun, I think Frisk needs some time."

"But I wanna play with her!"

"I know, but just not right now. Give her awhile to feel better."

Fran nodded sadly. You glanced at Frisk, who was rubbing her back with a pained look on her face.
After awhile, she came up to you.

"Mrs. (L/n)?"


"Can I call my mom?"

You glanced up from your book. "Why?"

"My back is hurting again. Mom said to call her if it happened."

Again? "Yes, of course."

Tori came in awhile later, looking worried. "Frisk? Honey, are you alright?"

"It's the scars again."

Tori scooped her up, took her home, and didn't call you.


You opened the front door, slouched and tired, dropping your keys and bag on the small table next to the door.
You'd come home rather early, and now, you could hear the shower running. With a confused noise, you stripped off your coat and took a few steps towards the stairs. Who's here?
You stood there for what felt like hours, one hand on the rail, until the shower turned off. The lock clicked, and Sans emerged. Sans takes showers?

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry... no, no that's not it. Don't worry, I'll come over soon, promise.... yes, sure, swear. Yeah, maybe sometime around noon? Okay... before seven. At least six..."

I get off work at seven. You watched as he went to turn away from you, then thought better and started down the stairs. He spotted you, and jolted in surprise.

"O-oh, hey babe. Your early." He smiled and rubbed the back of his skull, trying to walk off the surprise as he made his way down the stairs. He snapped the phone shut( he had one of those old flip phones, a Dino phone.) and pushed it into his pocket.
He hugged you, and you let him, not hugging him back. Who...?

"How was your day?" He asked, pulling back and holding your shoulders.

"... Tiring." You said carefully. "Frisk seems to have a problem with her back."

Sans face changed from hidden to kind of scared. "What? Is she okay? I didn't think that was still..."

"She's fine. But what's wrong with her back?"

Sans let go of you and went to the kitchen. You followed, expecting some kind of story. He made a glass of water. He always seemed to do that when he was nervous. "Well..."

You nodded.

"She's just got some scars back there. Wild dog."

You frowned. "That's it? A wild dog?"

"Yeah, that's what I though to. But, she's sticking with her story. A wild dog attacked her." He sighed. "But it had to be something bigger. Those cuts were deep." He downed the glass, set it in the sink to wash later, and smiled at you, the way you'd smile at a slow child.

You knew that smile well. You used it quite often. Especially when lying. "Mhm. So, you visited June today."

"Sure- yeah. I did." He nodded. "She didn't give me anything this time."

You nodded, then glanced at the time. "You got work?"

"No. For some reason, they haven't needed a night person. I'm still waiting for them to call." He smiled. "But you seem tired."

"Yeah. Very."

"Wanna go to bed?" He held out his hand.

It was always those small choices that messed something up. "...." You stared. "Yeah."


Sans wasn't breathing.
You were.
Sometimes, it creeped you out. Now was one of those times. He doesn't need to breath. Maybe he does it to feel more alive. With a shiver, you pull out of his arms and sit at the edge of the bed, cold and listening to the small wind from the junk-nado in the corner.
Why is it always after those intement moments that your relationships seem to burn up. With an over-shoulder glance, you sigh. Not this one. We are so not breaking up right after he took my virginity.
You laugh a little, remembering something from a movie once.
And by acting like a man in love, I became a man in love again.
And by acting okay, you will become okay again.
Maybe okay would be your forever.
With another laugh, you lay down, curl up next to him, and relax.

An: come on. Tell me some of you know those quotes.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now