Story: Thirty Six

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An: *holding a megaphone* ARE YOU READY TO GET SKELE FUCKED? CUZ I AM.


How do I do this?

'Hi, Sans, I'm here to have sex with you okay?'

You blush heavily and glance at his door. Do I just walk in, or knock...?

Eh, just walk in. What do I do?

You stood up and edged closer to his door, then pressed your ear against it. If he's in there alone, he must be doing something.
You pulled away as soon as you hear him, though, to uncomfortable to actually eavesdrop. You lift your hand to knock.

Fuck it.

Your hand dropped to the knob, twisting it. You slipped in, leaving the door open a crack.
His junk-nado seemed to have collapsed, and the lamp that'd been in it was shattered. You'd never liked it. Looked kind of humanoid...
His jacket had been discarded on top of the shards.


He's still where you'd left him earlier, and he jolts at the sound of your voice. "U-um, (Y/n), I thought-"


"If you could just leave-"

"No thanks."

He swivels around, the look on his face making him look like he's in pain. He's probably on his knees as he crosses both arms over the bed. "What?" His eye sockets are empty, but there's a dull, green and blue glow coming from the depths of his skull.

Your eyes widen a bit. "I, uh... I don't really know." Butterflies are attacking your gut, and you feel a bit light headed at how strong the sweet smell in the room is.

He slowly tilts his head, and you find it almost menacing the way he's staring at you. "Then, please, just...." He gestures nervously at the door.

You take that as a "get out". "... No."

You cross the room quickly, and Sans looks ready to bolt. "(Y/n) please no-" You crawl over the mattress to reach him quicker. "No, nononon-" He leans back, away from you.

You give him a firm kiss, both hands gripping his shoulders.

For a second, he freezes up, hands half brought up. The he let's out a small, happy noise and pulls you closer, almost off the bed. You laugh against his mouth, letting go to grab the bed and hold yourself up.
There's no need for that, considering the next second he's standing up and pushing you onto the it, pinning you into the mattress.

"Heh, Sans, that kinda hur-" You broke off on a gasp as he buried his face in your neck, inhaling deeply before biting down softly. "S-Sans-" At first.
His teeth clamp over the curve of your neck, and you gasp out, fingers curling into his shirt.

As he let's go, you jolt a little, blinking away tears. It didn't hurt that bad, but it was just shocking.
He hums lightly and pulls you up, tugging your shirt over your head. Then he reaches back and pulls off his own.
You watch carefully, looking for his expressions. Yep. He still looks like he's in pain.
He pulls you into another kiss, fingers playing with you bra as his tounge plays with yours. You started reaching back to undo it, but he beats you too it without even touching it.
The benefits of magic.
You pull it off, gasping a little as the cold air hits your bare skin. His hands explore your torso, and you return the favor.
All to quickly, his hands grasp at the hem of your pants, and he pulls them down, almost desperately. You feel nervouse, strangly enough, as you help him.
He hadn't said a word until now.

"Damn it (Y/n), I told you to stay out." He growls. "I could hurt you."

That... actually sounds really kinky.

"That's not something I usually wanna do, so I'm gonna apologize in advance." He thrusts his hips against yours, hands braced against the sheets on either side of your head.

You cry out, pushing up against him.

"But I do want to hurt you, like you have no idea. I wanna cover you in marks head to toe. My marks. I want you to cry and scream under me."

Your hands tighten on his shoulders and you bite your lip as his fingers dig into the fleshy parts of your waist.

"I want to make sure that you'll remember this, and you'll have the marks to remind you for as long as possible."

His hands slide roughly down to your thighs, and his eyes come to life again. It makes him look a lot less menacing.

"But I won't do that."

Well to late for that, you dick, you think as the pain in your neck jumps up a notch.

As if reading your mind, he planted a soft kiss on the injury, then moves down a bit to your collar bone. He continues working his way down, kissing, licking, until he gets to your underwear. His eyes flame that same blue and green color, and you jump in surprise.
Pulling your underwear down swiftly, he pauses to glance at you.

"What're you-?"

He pressed his mouth against your heat, licking you from base to clit.

Your hands fly to your mouth, and you almost scream from the sensation it sends through you. If he really wanted you to scream and cry, he'd keep doing that.
His teeth graze along the sensative skin, both hands clinging to your thighs in need. Your face heats up, and you cry out, desperately trying not to scream.

He moans against you, sending another wave of pleasure through your body. He pushed himself up, grabbing your hips and pulling you against him. He pulls his shorts down (but not actually off, dan gabbit!) Before whispering, "Sorry again."

"W-wait, why are you-"

He roughly thrusts his hips, hilting himself as you press the back of your hand against your mouth, muffling your scream. His hands clutch at your hips, probably leaving bruises as he pulls out, only to plow into you again.

"No." He gasps, using his magic to pull your hands away from your mouth. "Lemme hear it~"

You make a startled noise, as you realize that his hands on are on your hips, which means whatever is on your legs isn't him.

With a frantic glance down, you realize that, there are actually solid tendrils of magic, almost like tentacles, sliding over your skin, and Sans' mood swings drastically as he starts almost whining out: " Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"

You're not sure how to comfort him(not even sure why he'd need comfort) seeing as he's relentlessly pounding into you, and trying to form coherent words just results in little gasps and cries.

Once again, he drastically changes, as if switching personalities, and he pulls your hips up, giving himself better access as the (really creepy, actually, but kinda hot) tendrils wrap around your legs and waist.

"S-Sa- aH! Sans-" You (fail) try to form some kind of sentence, and end up saying something along the lines of, " That's great." Or you hope that's what you said, but you get caught up in the moment as you feel your gut knotting up, and your twist your hands into the sheets, swiveling your hips a little, and Sans feels it.

"Babe, you're makin' it really hard not to hurt you." He growls, brow bones furrowed in concentration. Your entire body tenses for a second, before you arch off the bed, crying out loudly as you release on him.

At first he looks startled, strangly enough, then he pauses completely to look at you. Your breathing hard, trying to catch your breath, and he still looks unfulfilled. With a small smile, you push your hips up against his, nodding softly.

His eye flashes that blueish color again, and he pulls you over him, your knees on either side of his hips, and hands clamped over your thighs. "Thanks babe."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now