Story: Thirty Five

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"Sans is this party really a good idea?"

"Of COURSE it's a good idea!" He huffs at Tori. "I'm trying to get everyone to be friends again-"

"Is that so?" She plants a hand on her hip.

"Of cooourse, I'm sure. I mean, hell, what else is there I could possibly be trying to do!" He laughed nervously, inching away.

Tori eyed him warily, then turned to you. "When is it again?"

"A few days. Gives all your friends time to get ready, take time off work, whatever." You glance at Frisk, who's running in circles around the couch wearing Sans' jacket, which is way to big for her.

"... I just wanted to say-" Tori started softly. She sighed and enveloped you in a warm, fuzzy hug. "I'm so glad you're part of our family."

Your heart skips a beat and you can't help but smile. "I-I feel flattered. Really, but I'm not really a-... well, I'm not really part of the family, I'm not related-"

"Oh, blood doesn't matter! The only person I'd never consider family would be Jerry."


"No one important."


Sans is reading to you again.
It was an especially eerie part of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

"'Speak roughly to your little boy!
And beat him when he sneezes!
He only does it to annoy,
Because he knows it teases.
Wow wow wow!'
While the Duchess sang the second verse of the song, she kept tossing the baby violently up and down, and the poor little thing howled so..."

The hidden undertone of excitement in his voice told you that he seemed to like the scenes, most of them, when the characters would sing to Alice.

"'I speak severely to my boy,
I beat him when he sneezes!
For he can thoroughly enjoy,
The pepper when he pleases.
Wow wow wow!'"

"Hey Sans?"

He pauses. "Sup?"

"Would it be inappropriate to say that I've fallen madly in love?"

He doesn't seem to react, but you feel him stop breathing for a second.

"I mean, it's been amazing with you around. Everything is so much better, and, I feel happier. I think, that you coming into my life is some kind of miracle, and I don't call many things that."

He doesn't look at you as he seems to read, and re-read the page before him. "I..." He brings one hand up to his mouth and coughs lightly. "I'm not exactly, sure.... what to say..."

You snuggle into his chest. "There isn't anything you have to say. I just wanted you to know."

Sans sighs softly, and touches your hair fondly. You close your eyes-

"OH, uh, heh-" Sans breaks off into a fit of coughing. "I, uh, I have to go take some medicine-" He stands as soon as you lean away, and he's gone.

You pause in utter surprise before you hear him rummaging around in his room.
You sit there, confused, as he comes back into the main room, popping a pill into his mouth and chewing nervously

Another thing to know: he chews his pills.

"Um, sorry about that, but I think you should sleep in your room tonight."

You stand up, reaching for him. "Sans, are you oka-?"

He quickly steps back. "Of course. Just a bit sick, I need a few minutes-" His eye socket gets wider and he quickly finishes,  "hours, maybe hours." And he's gone again.

You hear his door slam, and you jolt a little. "Sans?"


Of course, come morning you've forgotten about the whole ordeal, and you practically skip to his room, ready to greet him in the morning, and happy to be awake first-
In your elevated mood, you miss the little paper he's taped to the door, and knock once before opening it. "Sans?" You say softly, hoping he's awake.
There's a startled gasp, and a thud.

"Sans?" Curious, you open the door wider. He's sitting on the opposite side of the bed, on the floor, and you assume you startled him off. "Sorry, Sans, I'd thought you were asleep-"

"D-didn't you see the, uh, the note? On the door?" He sounds breathless, as you lean back to read it.

Don't come in

"You don't look busy."

"That's not the point."

You clear your throat. "Should I go-?"

"Yep. Right now."


"Tori he's never acted like this and I'm super worried."

"So what happened?"

"Well, last night he was reading to me, and I said something, and for a few seconds, he was okay, then he got up to take this medicine and quickly went to his room, and-"

"Slow down! So what'd you say to him?"

You laugh a little nervously. "I-I just, well- I told him... that I loved him..."

".... mhm....?"

"Okay. I told him I was madly in love."

"Yep. That would trigger it."

"Trigger what?" You cried, pacing the length of the kitchen.

"U-uh, well, nothing really important, he just needs a few days-"


"Maybe about three?"

"Tori! What's wrong with him!"

She pauses for awhile. "Well, I'm not sure if he's told you, but there's a small group of Monsters who have a-a kind of.... heat?"

Dread settles in your stomach. "Oh shit, man, he's in HEAT?" You bite down on your lip. "Should I leave him alone?"

".... you could do what I did and help him out."

"What? How?"

"Weeellllll.... you know animals go into heat when it's, well- hee, the only way to say it is mating season?"

"Sans isn't an animal."

"Close enough, so, I mean, you know you can help him by..."

"Tori, are you telling me to go have sex with Sans?"

"W-well, no, you don't have to have- okay, maybe it would help a lot. But this isn't my place to talk."

"Wha- Tori!" You pull it away from your ear. " She hung up. Ugh, like mother like daughter."

You glance into the hallway, towards Sans' room, nervously. Hmm, should I?

He's been eerily silent, and it's creeping you out.
Helping him out sounds kinda fun, but then again, he told you to stay away...

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang