Story: Five

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He stared at the pill bottle in his hand.

Prescribed: Pappy

Doctor: Alphys

Only let him have one a week, Sans!

He gritted his teeth and went to open it.
Suddenly, M snatched it out of his hand.
He whipped around and glared at her. "Give it back."

She had tears pouring down her face as she clutched it to her chest. "No!" She wailed.

Sans snarled. "M I swear-"

"You can't! You can't just forget! Please, don't do what I did! I don't-" She broke down sobbing, still clutching the bottle.
Sans' snarl disappeared, and he hugged her.

"I'm sorry M. Please don't cry."


"Listen ....
I have... this huge hoose...."

"Did you just say hoose?" Sans chuckled.

Undyne sneered at him. "No! I said house! But we should totally crash there."

You stretched and mumbled," I don't have work, I'm good with that."

Sans frowned. "You guys are both drunk."

You held up a finger. "Excuse you, sir, but she is not drunk. She is wasted. I am simply tipsy. Difference."

He stared at you. "Okay, so drunk?"




You blinked rapidly.

You were laying on the ground, next to a couch. Sans was on the couch.

Undyne was standing in the kitchen in, literally, nothing but some slacks.

You snorted and jumped up. "Undyne, your naked."

She turned and shrugged, a cup in her hand. "Half. So what."

"Sans, is right here." You pointed at him.


"Your boobs. He's gonna see you half naked."

"He's already seen me completely naked, so whatevs."

Sans sat up. "Yeah. I don't really care."

You jumped, then rubbed your temple. "Hey Undyne, got any Aspirin?"

"Yea." She tossed you a bottle.

Sans chuckled. "You both have headaches, huh?"

You two nodded. "Migraine." Undyne mumbled and sipped her coffee.

Sans looked at it. "There's some kind of alcoholic beverage in there, right?"


Sans sighed. "What now?"

Undyne shrugged. You were having a hard time keeping your eyes off her chest.

"I guess you guys should go home. Do either of you have a car?"

You laughed. "Not with me. We can text Tori."

Sans smiled. "Yeah. We can."

You noticed a symbol on his shirt that had been previously covered by his jacket. A triangle with three lines beneath it. It had been crudely stitched on.
"Hey Sans?"

"Yeah kid?"

"What's that symbol?"

His face kind of fell. And he looked down at it. "That's... a symbol someone very close to me used to have. On their outfit."

You stared at it. "A family memeber?"

He nodded. With a slight hesitation, he pulled out a folded up picture and handed it to you.
When unfolded, it revealed two monsters, sleeping.
One seemed to be holding a book.
You frowned. "Who are they?"

"Their people I knew very well. The one in the funny get-up is Papyrus. He had the symbol on his chest piece." Sans smiled sadly.

Undyne glanced over your shoulder at it. "He looks familiar."

Sans chuckled. "You've met him, you just don't remember."

Undyne laughed to. "There seems to be a lot our little group forgot."

Sans nodded. Your face looked pained as you said," if you could kindly not put your boobs on my back, that would be great."
You handed back the picture. "Who's the other one?"

Sans chuckled. "That's me."

Your eyes widened. "Woah. You look...."

"Like a different person? Heh, it's cause I pretty much am." He stood. "I'll text Tori and ask if she can come pick us up."


You: heyah

Sans: don't you have work tomorrow? Why are you still up?

You: I can't sleep. Ive been thinking

Sans: about?

You: you never talk about Papyrus. Ever. And ive never seen him.

Sans: hes dead

You: oh

Sans: yeah. He's been gone since before the monsters got to the surface

You: I'm sorry

Sans: so am i.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now