Story: Forty Nine

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Tori sent you to go get Sans after about twenty minutes.
You passed the woman who was sitting at the front desk (hadn't it been a man last time?) And stood right in front of Sans.

He was sitting in a chair dozing, eyes half closed and not breathing. He didn't even see you standing there.


His eyelight came to life, and he smiled up at you. "Sup."

"Come on. Toriel wants you to sit with us." You cross your arms.

He stands up with a grunt, rubbing his eyesockets tiredly. "I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Good." You turn and walk away, as he follows sheepishly behind.

Of course, someone inturrupts. "Hey, excuse me?"

You and Sans both stop and turn to the woman at the counter.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She points at Sans, looking surprised.

He instantly looks scared. "Uh, no, I don't think so." You almost laugh at the look on his face. How drunk was I?

She tilted her head. "Yeah, you were that guy that everyone was talking about that one time. You brought that woman in."

He looked confused for a second, then his eye socket went dark. "Oh. Her."

"Yeah, people still talk about that! Oh, oh Tony-" The man who'd just walked up gave her a surprised look. He had two coffees in hand. "Tony, isn't this that guy that brought that woman in once? The woman with the baby?"

Tony glanced over. "... yeah, what's his name, a font or something. Everyone was making jokes about it-" He handed the woman one of the coffees. "Sans I think."

The woman snapped her fingers. "Yes! Yes that was him-" She turned to Sans. "That was you!" She held her hand out. "Hi! I'm Leena!"

He politely shook her hand. "Sans, obviously."

She nodded. "Oh! Oh, and this is Tony, he usually works with me." He inclined his head, and Sans nodded back.

"I'm sorry, I've gotta go..." He gestured at you. "We're visiting someone. If you're still here when I get back, I'd love to talk more though!"

"So would I! I won't hold you up, go on back." She turned to Tony and started whispering excitedly as you and Sans left.

"Remember? That woman insisted he stay with her-"

The swinging doors cut her off.

You leaned close to Sans. "'The woman with the baby?'"

"Yeah. She went into labour, and her boyfriend kicked her out of the car cause he didn't want that kinda baggage." Sans stuffed his hands in his pockets. "She was pretty far in when he dumped her on the curb."

You nodded. "What's that gotta do with you?"

"I helped her while the ambulance was coming. She was already crowning when they got there, and..." He smiled with a small sigh. "She told me later that besides her boyfriend, she didn't have any family. That's why she'd wanted me to stay with her." He laughed.

You nodded. "Do you still keep in contact with her?" You pondered meeting her for a moment.

"Er, no. She's dead."

You blink in surprise and stop walking for a second. "Oh. What happened to the-?"

"Baby? Dead." He just keeps on smiling, but you can tell he's upset.

"... Alright." You lead him the rest of the way to the room. You guess that they died during the child birth, then conclude that couldn't have been. She'd talked to him after that...

The rest of your time is spent with the four of you- three monsters and one human- quietly talking and sorting things out.

Sans seems pleased with the outcome as you and him walk out. You turn in time to see Toriel stand too, leaning down to press her muzzled against Asgore's cheek.
And you swear, for a second, Asgore gives Toriel a look of pure adoration before the door closes.


On the drive home, Sans spouts off about what he and Asgore used to be like, before Frisk ever came along.
You ask him how that's possible.

".... what? How was Asgore nice once?"

"No, no, you always say that Frisk was in the Underground, that she freed the monsters, but..." You sigh. "That was thirteen years ago."

Sans looks embarrassed. "Oh."

"Frisk is only.... what, five?"

Sans coughs lightly. "Actually, she's a lot older."

You look at him for a second before he politely asks you to keep your eyes on the road. "How?"

".... Frisk isn't all that human."


Sans covers his mouth bashfully, face tinted green. "W-well, Frisk ages at about the same age as monsters, which isn't all that fast. It's much slower, kind of like a Vampire?"

"Frisk is a vampire?" You ask dryly.

"No! No, nono, definitely not. Yeesh. She just ages like one." Sans laughs nervously. "Y-you see, me and Frisk share energy. Most monster children age quickly until they're about seven years old. Around that time, they start slowing down."

"Oh." You frown, still confused.

"Yeah. By then, they've got the mentality of a sixteen year old and the body of a seven year old. Though, they're still considered children." He pulls at the neck of his t-shirt, as if it's to tight. "But since my energy has already slowed down considerably, Frisk ages at the pace of an adult monster rather than a child."

You ponder this for a few seconds. "Why do you and her share energy?"

Sans glanced out the window. "Frisk is sick. Really, sick. So I've been using a portion of my energy to heal her, continuously."

You smile, recalling when he explained how he had to get rid of energy or else he'd change. "Another release for all that magic?"

"Energy." He corrected. "But yeah."

"...What's she sick with?"

"A disease."

"What's it called?" You press.

He tilts his head for a second. ".... it doesn't have a name exactly, but I've nicknamed it... uh, 'Chara Syndrome'."

"Chara?" You give him a quick, funny smile. "What does Chara mean? Some scientific term?"

Sans tries to hide his secretive smile. "You could say that, yes."

You nod slowly."Um... now that she's gone, will you still be able to-?"

"No." He says shortly. "I won't."

"... is it deathly?"

"Most likely."

"... what if they don't tell us when she... passes?"

"You mean dies?" Sans glances at you. "I'll know. Trust me, since we share energy, I'll feel it."


"Yeah. It kinda, leaves this emtpy feeling once that bond is cut. It hurts, too. Like, physically. Last time it happened, I actually fainted." He laughed like it was funny. "Er, time before last, actually."

"Who were you bonded to?"

"Papyrus. My brother. That hurt the worst."

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