Story: Twenty

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"Where's the calender?"

M looked up from her book. "It should be in the kitchen, like it always is. Do you think your getting close?"

He nodded. "Alright. Er... I can't really read it... so of you could help out a wee bit..."

She nodded. "Anything for you."


You scrolled through the results on the computer. No, no, no.... maybe?

You clicked it.

Fire burns down entire house! Thought to have been on purpose.

On Halloween, civilians from at least a mile around could see the smoke billowing from a local residents house. When the fire was stopped, no bodies were found in the rubble.
But local neighbors said a young monster girl used to live there, and since the fire she has gone missing. Many believe that another monster, who'd been living with her, may have started the fire.
According to police, an empty gas can and lighter were found outside the house...

You frowned. It certainly matched what he'd said. But he couldn't have killed her. That...

You exited off the tab when he came upstairs and pretended to scroll through Facebook.

"Heyah (Y/n). Would you mind if I hung up a calender in the kitchen?" He asked, leaning in.

You nodded. "Yeah, yeah, go on ahead. You live here now, so..." You smiled.

He nodded and left. You sighed and went back to the website(you'd had to find it in your history).
There was an address, so you wrote it down. Maybe you'd pay the place a little visit later.

You skipped downstairs and notice Sans having trouble with the push pin. You smiled and said," here, let me do it." You grabbed it and nudged him aside.

He smiled. "Thanks."

You nodded and pushed in the pin, then paused and glanced at the calender.
It was old, in fact, from about ten years ago. You glanced at him and lifted a brow. He shrugged.

"Tradition." He stated simply.

You looked at it. There was one day on each month, marked with a flame. On valentine's, there was a cupcake, and on Halloween there was a skull. You frowned. "What's up with the symbols?"

He shrugged. "Reminders really." He coughed awkwardly. "Um... so I have to go somewhere today."

You smiled. "Busy day?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Really busy."

"That's cool. I've got somewhere to go, too." You thought of the fire, and you smiled. "Kind of an exploration."

He nodded again. "Coolio. Alright, see yah."


You glanced at the address, then back up at the building. Definitely burned down. The whole thing was over run by vines, leaves, weeds...
You glanced at the mailbox, which was painted with faded rainbows. You smiled. You sighed and warily looked the house over for the tenth time. It didn't look safe. But still...

"Are ye' looking for someone, lassie?"

You gasped and whipped around. A little old lady, her face withered with age, was staring up at the house. She had a Scottish accent (you think). She's wearing a knee skirt, big boots that reach her knees, and a poncho.

You might have laughed. "No, just looking for answers."

She chortled. "Donna think you'll find any in there. But I could answer some questions."

You smiled. "Thank you. Um," you held out your hand. "I'm (Y/n)."

She nodded happily, but didn't take your hand. "Aye, that you are. That you are lassie. Just call me Aunt June."

You glanced at the house. "Who used to live here?"

June smiled with a nostalgic look in her eye. "Ah, that's a hard one. A wee girl, Molly, and her friend." She stared off into nothing.

You waited a few seconds. "Um... June?"

"Aunt June, please. But a monster lived with her. Like beauty and the beast all over. He was a scary thing, him. She a wee beauty." The woman ran a hand over her gray hair.

You nodded. "What was the boys name?"

June shrugged gently. "Oh, no one really knew. Not sure if even M did. But she called him Bara Cuda. There is a fish in the ocean, sharp fangs and all, called the Baracuda. Seein' it a fit name, she'd lain it upon him."

You thought of J.J. "Bara Cuda!" That explained that.

"She found him in the streets, and the wee babe took him in. Oh, she took care of him. Patching him up when got into scuffles. Using Hello Kitty bandaids. Cute relationship they had there. Not sure if they were together, though...."

You smiled softly. "That sounds beautiful. It must not have lasted though."

The woman's face hardened. "No, it dinna last long. There was an incident. Cuda made a mistake and he... he lost little Molly because of it. And in a fit of rage... he burned down the house. He took next to nothing. A calender, a jacket, one of her shirts..."

You looked up at it. "Oh god... Sans...."

June frowned. "Sans? Oh! Sans, heh heh. Of course, the big bone head."

Your eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You know him?"

She nodded. "He visits me a lot. In fact, I'm expecting him today. Oh, he's told me so much about you." She glanced at the locket. "He even gave that to you for me."

You gasped. "You gave it to me? Oh, wow, thank you, so much."

She cackled. "Think nothing of it lassie. Oh, and he probably shouldn't know about this, huh?"

You nodded. "Yeah, he shouldn't. Um, do you think the house is safe to explore?"

She nodded as she turned away. "Yes, yes, go on in. Donna know what you'll find though. No one goes in there anymore. Some say it's haunted."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz