Story: Thirty Three

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Sans looked especially sick, this time in the car.

His eyes were locked on his hands, which were folded firmly in his lap. He'd activated his seat belt lock, and was now humming softly.

"Mm, so, who's your friend?" You ask, trying to ease up the sudden tension.

"Just a friend. She's been helping me out for a long time, when it comes to medical issues."

She. His secret friend is a girl.

"What's her name? She sounds pretty cool."

"She's not important."

You nodded. "Alright then."
You glanced over. He was fiddling with the patch on his head. "Who did that?"

".... I don't know." He looked out the window, then quickly, his gaze snapped back down.
He obviously didn't like fast moving objects.

".... are you okay? Something seems off..."

"I'm fine."

You stopped trying. He obviously wasn't going to tell you.

When you got home, he quickly got out, walking up the driveway. You followed more slowly, watching him as he unlocked the door, leaving it open for you.
He's mad....

You quickly scamper inside, peeking into the kitchen. He's clutching a cup of water, looking out the window. It falls on a street, which is scattered with pigeons at the moment.


He glances at you. "What's up?"

"... The ceiling." You shuffle your feet. "You can't just up and leave."

He turns slightly. "... why?"

With a scoff, you shrug. "Oh, I don't know, it freaks out all your family?"

He shrugs right back and looks back at the birds. "Okay."

You look at your hands. Then, you give up. With a huff, you turn and start rummaging through the cabinets.

He glances back again at the ruckus. "What-?"

"Tea." You state simply.

He sighs. "Look, (Y/n), I needed to leave."

Your hands still. "Why's that?"

"Well, I had to go get medicine. It was the middle of the night-"

"You couldn't have waited?"

"No." He sips some water. "It was a spur of the moment thing." He sets down the cup. "I forgot to write a note, and I forgot my phone-"

"Did you?" You turn. "Or did you leave it?"

He looks offended. "I forgot. She didn't think I should be using Shortcuts while sick-"

"I guessed that."

"- so she kept me there."

You continued with your tea. "Mm."

He sighed and went back to stalking birds.


You were pouting on the couch, still in an irritated mood, when Sans came downstairs.

Now why would he be up there-?

"Ooooh mister president~!"

You twisted in your seat and flared with blush. "Sans what th f-"

"Happy birthday, mister president~!" He said in a sing song voice as he stuck out his fucking tounge. He was wearing one of your bras over his ribs.
"Happy birthday, toooo you~" He circled his fingers over the front of the bra, then pointed at you and winked.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon