Story: Seventeen

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Sans dozed on the couch, snoring softly.
A scream rang through the house, and he jumped up, panicking, and yelled,"M?!"

She screamed again, and he used a shortcut into her room. She was curled up in a corner, hands over her ears. "Get them away get them away!"

He looked around. Nothing. "M, calm down-"

"Get them away, get the maggots away!" She sobbed.

He understood immidiantly. "Oh, M." He walked over and sat down, pulling her onto his lap. "Shh, it's alright. There's no maggots. Their all gone."

She sobbed into his chest. "They were in his eyes, Cuda!"

He nodded. "I know, babe. They always are."


Sans had taken the girl to his room, and they were talking quietly.
About what, you didn't know, but you sure were dying to.

They came out, the girl looking disturbed and Sans looking worried.

"Is that all? Do you need supplies?" Sans asked.

She gave him a look. It shocked you. She had this look that you knew all to well.

I miss what could've been.

"No. Thank you Sans. And thank for the.... insight." She nodded. "I have to go now. You sure nothings wrong here?"

"I'm sure. We're supposed to be the way we are." He nodded. "Good bye."

She paused, and looked at you." So your Sans' girlfriend now?"

Now? "I think so." You glanced at him. "We never actually stated it directly, so-"

"So you are. I have two things for you (y/n)." She said simply. "One: Souls are very sensative. You ever want him to do something, play a little game." She winked. "Two: Don't let him go." She whispered the last sentence, so Sans wouldn't hear, then left.

You looked at him. "Holy shit Sans, are you trying to kill me?" You planted a hand on you hip. "Giving me a heart attack like that."

He shrugged. "Eh."


You glanced over at Sans. He was leaning over, sleeping. You smiled at this. He jumped suddenly and looked up at the TV.

"... burned down this week, only one survivor..."

"It's sad how many people die. But we gotta remember that there's better things about it." He said quietly, looking disturbed by the prospect of anything burning down.

You sighed. "Like what?"

He smirked. "That it's not happening to us."

You giggled.

He stared at you. "God I love your laugh. It's amazing, hearing someone sound so happy so often."

Surprise flooded you. "O-oh. Thank you." You blushed. "I've always really liked your smile. It's a big smile to fit a big person." You paused. "Er, hight wise, I meant."

He chuckled. "Yeah I know. But it could go either way."

You glanced at the TV. It had gone to the ads again, and you looked back at Sans. He was still looking at you.

"Yeah I guess it could." You said, smiling.

He grinned back, and you felt butterflies. "Don't worry, I don't take offence to things like that." He shrugged.

You thought about kissing him. Would he mind? Would you? Would you be able to keep a steady relationship while you were still caught up in the last one?

"Um... okay. You didn't seem to before, so..." You shrugged. "I didn't think you did."

Sans nodded. "Yeah, Tori and Frisk used to dance around the topic and just avoid it. Kinda made it awkward." He shrugged and looked away.

You scooted closer, then thought twice and looked at the TV.

"... A man caught cheating on his wife was shot, when the wife attacked him..."

"Hey, uh, Sans?"

He looked over. "Yeah kid?"

"I-I really am sorry, about the whole... er, kissing thing." You twisted until you were sitting cross legged, facing him. "But... but I was wondering... if maybe we could..." You fidgeted.

Sans laughed softly. "We could..."

"Well, we could kind of..." You blushed. "Never mind, it's stupid."

You went to stand, and he grabbed your hands, pulling you back down. A small smile played across his face. "No. It isn't stupid at all. I actually really like the idea."

You pulled at your hands lightly, but he didn't let go. "Heh, no really, it was- it was just a wierd thought. I didn't... um... I didn't really...." You trailed off, staring at him.

He wasn't smiling, but he didn't look mad or anything. He just looked serious. "I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

There was a long silence, and you just stared at him, wide eyed. He didn't look away, but his head turned slightly as if he were about to.

You swallowed hard, then very quietly said," yeah."

He still waited a second, hesitating, then reached up and touched your cheek, whispering,"you don't have to. If there's something wrong..."

You nodded shook your head. "No. I'm fine."

He smiled ever so slightly. Then leaned forward and kissed you. You made a small noise, and he went to pull away.
You grabbed his jacket and pulled him back. This felt good. All that stress, the worry, the memories...
Sans took them all away. You smiled against his "lips". You closed your eyes and pulled him closer.

No more thinking about the past. Now you have people in the present.

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