Story: Forty Four

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"Sans, you said you were coming home."

He sighs, covering his face. "I know, it's just another week, I promise."

He'd done it again. "But I thought- is it cuz you wanna stay or because they want you to?"

"They want me to."

You grumble under your breath, then say, "have you heard from Tori? She said she'd call you, and it's been weeks."

"Nope. She still hasn't. But she's never been good at that stuff, so... it's alright. She might just be waiting to tell me when I get back. What'd she want to tell me, anyways?"

Panic. "Um.... I'm not sure. She just told me she ha-" The look on his face was what stopped you.

"You don't trust me, huh?"

Less and less. "Of course I do, it's just.... You've been a bit shady, about the whole job thing, and all those phone calls-" You cut yourself off, but it was to late.

He looked down at his hands, fiddling. "So you've been eavesdropping?"

Instinctively, you snap, "no!" In your defence. "It- I walked in- you were-"

"I get it." He mummered. "I think I should go."

"Sans, wait-"

He reached up, and closed his computer. You were shocked. He hadn't even hung up, just closed his computer.

"Goddamn it Sans!" You yelled.

Of course, you didn't see him on the other side of that computer, grabbing his holster and yanking it on again.


Frisk wasn't leaving for at least a month.
So Sans would be there to say goodbye. You sigh miserably and watch as she draws in her room.

"Frisk, why're you leaving?"

"I don't like it here."

You propped your chin on your hand. "Why not?"

"I don't like Sans."

You smile. "What do you mean? You and Sans- you're best friends."

She stopped drawing and held it out. It was childish, poorly drawn, but Sans the way she liked drawing him.
The blue jacket, sharp teeth:
And a new addition. His injured eye was green instead of the usual black she liked, and his other eye was blue.

You tried to keep your smile. "You've got a very active imagination."

She looked sad, then whimpered, "can you keep a secret?"
She tugged on your sleeve, pulling you closer. "Sans really did give me these scratches. On my back."

You pull away. "Hun, he wouldn't have-"

"I knew you'd say that, so ask him. He'll tell you." She took her drawing back, glaring as she scribbled on it. "You and him- You're mean."


Two days.
Sans was coming back in two days.

You giggled, patting the counter. "I'm so excited Undyne! Aren't you excited? I am." You giggle even harder.

She swishes her drink. "Yeah. Cool. Anyone coming with him?"

"No, not that I know of." You glance at her. "Were you expecting someone to?"

"No." She downed her shot and scooped her coat off the counter. "I'm off."

You watched her walk away, then Grillby tapped on the counter. You glanced at him, and he patted your arm, nodding encouragingly.

"Are you happy?"

He nodded again, clapped a hand on your shoulder, turning away to help a different customer.


"I'm leaving soon."

You grinned, pressing both hands against your mouth and blushing. "I know."

He grinned. "Yep. I'm coming, and I'll show up in the bus station. You know, that one down the street from the grocery store?"

You nodded, patting the keyboard. "Today? You'll be home today?"

"Yes. I hope so, unless I'm delayed. But I'll try everything in my power to come on time." He smiles warmly, searching your face as well as he could through a cameras point of view. "Meet me?"

You nodded, eagerly. "Of course! What time?"

"Eh, show up around noon. That'll be the time." He doesn't look as excited as you expected, but still lighter than usual. Less tense. Less loud. "Can't wait to be with you, again. I've been waiting."

You smile. "So have I. Longer than I wanted, but hey."

He chuckled. "I've gotta go, if I'm gonna be there by the noon. I'll keep you up while I'm packing, so I can talk."

He did, talking about how much he missed being there, how dark it was underground, and how he'd never noticed it before. How he hated being in the facility, because the people, the inmates, some weren't mentally stable, and they talk to him. He missed Toriel and Frisk, certainly, but not once did he mention Frisk leaving.
Suddenly, someone pounded on his sliding, aluminum-like door.

"Hey, Sans! Open up!"

His gaze drifted from his shirtless self, back towards you, and then the door. "Yeah, sure, hold on." He balled up the shirt in his hands, tossed it onto the bed, and walked over to the door. He slid it open a few inches. Then, trying to be quiet, he whispered, "What's up?"

"Boss wants to see you. Says it's important."

Sans looks incredulous. "Excuse me, but she knows I'm leaving. I don't think-"

"Well I do. Come on."

Sans snorts, then says, "Lemme get a shirt."
As he leans closer to the computer, he mutters, "head on to the bus station. I'll be there." And he closes it up.


Sans ends up being late. Grillby went with you(he texted saying Sans had called him)and you tried small talk. He wasn't able to answer, so it was pretty one sided and awkward.
When Sans' bus pulled up, you were alseep, leaning on Grillby and breathing softly.

You were awakened by the bus hissing, and you jolted, almost falling off the seat before remembering what you were doing.
Sans stepped off the bus, one bookbag on his left shoulder, and a small cage under his right arm. He had a lollipop in his mouth, and a wierd look on his face as he stared up at the sky, almost wonderingly.
You waited, holding onto Grillby's sleeve as Sans took his time coming inside, and when he finally did, you grinned, his gaze finding you almost instantly, as if he'd known where you were the entire time. He reached up, pulled the pop out of his mouth, and smiled a predatory grin.
Grillby made a small noise next to you, but you just grinned and weaved through the thin group of people getting off the bus. Sans welcomed the hug you gave him, and you instantly inhaled that sweet, brown sugar smell he carried with him. He was strangly wearing an actual shirt and pants, but that was okay.
The shirt was a stupid pun, with with a cooler. Don't be jealous 'cuz I'm a little cooler than you.

"I missed you." He mummers.

"I know." You whisper back, then pull away and lace your fingers through his, pulling him to Grillby, who looks majorly bashful as he waves, giving Sans a quick hug (you can't help but notice, chest to chest, Sans is taller than the fire monster), and pulling away just as quickly.

"Don't worry, hot head, I missed you, too."

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