Story: Forty Five

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Surprisingly, it takes shit a long time to hit the fan.
It seemed almost like Sans was experimenting with how far he could push you. He'd say something here, forget something important you told him there, leave something out over that way...
He kept a close eye on you though it all, smiling in the intervals and making sure you loved him.

So, does he like me back? You weren't the only one being tested on. He was doing it to everyone, but much more subtly with the others. Manipulation, most of the time.
It turned out, first off, that he'd brought a pet home.

"This is Persephone!" He hefted the cage up and held it out once you and him settled a bit more. It was a deep black snake. "She's poisonous, so don't get to close!"

And it turned out, second off, her cage wasn't properly made.


He peeked in. "Persephone? Oh, she got loose!" He scooped her up, hissing and biting his hands.
Of course, her fangs weren't strong enough to get through bone. "Sorry, babe! I must have forgotten to lock her cage, heheh..." He beat a hasty retreat, and you avoided that bathroom for a few hours.

The next was- "Ugh, Sans, you left mud tracks!"

He glanced down at his shoes, back up at you, and smiled. "Oops?"

You planted both hands on your hips. "You gonna clean that up? Seriously..." You stomped past him and got some tea. When you came back, he was gone, and the mud was still there. You cleaned it up.


"Listen, (Y/n)," Toriel mumbled quietly to avoid Sans hearing. "Don't talk to Sans AT ALL about Frisk, alright? Like, her leaving and all, alright?"

"Why? Are you just not gonna-?"

She inturrupts you hastily. "I told him, I told him! He just.... you know how close he was to Frisk, he didn't take it to well. I think he's going through denial. Just... leave him alone about it."

You nodded, glancing at him. He was playing with Frisk, and didn't seem at all in denial, but...
Frisk didn't seem to into the whole game they were playing.

You decided you'd ask Sans that night about the scars.


"Sans, you seem tired."

He'd been sitting at his desk, writing and seemingly studying for hours. "I'm fine," He mumbled groggily. "I still haven't fed Persephone."

"Really. I don't believe it. C'mon," you say softly, grabbing his elbow and tugging. He stands without resistance and you turn off his lamp.

You wonder how many nights he's been staying up like this.


Frisk seems a bit bratty. And no, not like the monster.

You, Sans, and Frisk went to pick up some groceries for Toriel's house.

Frisk ran off to find cereal, and Sans lightly followed her, seeming a bit like he was in his own world at the moment. Until, that is, when Frisk giggled, "hey Dunkle!"

His face lit up, as he smiled at her. "Yeah, what's u-?" He froze as she held up a box of cereal.

"How about this, Sans?" She asked, smiling.

He stared at the cereal, horrified, and you glanced around him, confused.

Dino Oats!

He slowly, glanced at the child, then practically growled. "Do you think that's fucking funny?"

You grabbed his arm instantly. "Sans she's a kid, watch your language!"

Her smile didn't leave her face as he snapped, "put it back." When she held it out, he yelled, "I said put that shit back!" She scampered away, giggling, and you shoved Sans.

"What the hell! She's a kid, you can't yell at her like that!"

He whipped around and roared, "She's no better than her fucking sister! She's not a kid, you don't kill people and stay a kid! She's a fucking monster! She thinks it funny to torment me with his death!"

You glanced around. People were staring. "O-okay, Sans, let's talk about this at-"

"At home? Which one (Y/n)?" Ah, so he did know about Frisk moving.


"No, don't try and fucking tell me I'm wrong. About, how perfect that little shit is! She's a fucking-"

"Sans." You hissed. "We are not doing this in public. Let's just go home-"

"Fine. I'll see you there." He raises his hand, snaps his fingers-
And he's gone.

You stare at where he was, mulling over what he said as Frisk tugs on your sleeve.

She holds out the Dino Oats, and asks, "now that he's gone, can I get these?"


Sans isn't at home, but you're fine with that.
You need awhile to calm down and think of what he's said.

"You don't kill people and stay a kid!"

You guess he's talking about her sister, since he'd compared the two. But why'd he react so badly to cereal? It's just an artificial flavored flake thingy. What's so bad about it?

You stay up all night waiting for Sans, sitting on the couch and struggling to stay awake.
You fail the battle.


"Babe, wake up."

You groggily open your eyes.

"C'mon, let's get you in bed, yeah?" He picks you up and takes you your room, placing you on the bed and throwing his jacket over you.


"Go to sleep, alright? We'll talk later." He kisses your head and turns away, disappearing before reaching the door.

You sleep well that night, surprisingly. Sans does not.

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя