Story: Fifteen

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Sans used a shortcut almost immidiantly after getting the call. It was farther, too, and he stopped to take a breather. Then he knocked on the door.

A woman, a young woman, opened it. "Hel- oh! Hehe, sorry, you just surprised me. Can I help you?"

"M." He managed.

The woman's face changed. "Oh. You must be Cuda. Hold on, I'll get her-"

Sans smelled her before he saw her. She smelled like fresh rain, and he looked past the woman.
M came around the corner. She saw him and gave a little scream, then ran forward and threw herself into his arms, crying.
He caught her and laughed happily. "Oh my Asgore..." He looked at the woman. "Thank you ma'am."

He reached up to shake her hand, then froze when a tall monster walked up behind her. "BELLA? WHO'S THERE?"



"Please come out. I'm sorry."

You ignored him, just as you had been since that morning. You couldn't talk to him. Not after what you'd said. He'd ask questions, and you'd have to remember the answers. But you felt awful. He probably thought it was him.

"If it's something I did you can just say it. Was it because I kissed you?"

You stood up and turned to the door. Then grabbed the handle and opened it. Sans almost fell in, but caught himself on the frame. "Eh- (Y/n). Look-"

"It's okay." You said quickly. "I overreacted. I panicked, and pushed you away. I'm sorry." You blushed and stared down. "But I do... I did really like the kiss."

Sans was silent for a few seconds, then he said," How about I make it up to you. Let me take you to meet someone."

"But you didn't do anything. I should be making it up to you." You protested.

He smiled. "And this is how."


"Okay, he might be a little wierd at first, so just give him a bit." He opened the door to the apartment without knocking, then cupped his hands over his mouth and bellowed,"METTA I'M HOME!"

"Sans OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN AGES!" A robotic man ran out of the kitchen, hands held out in front of him. "Omgomgomg-" He tripped and fell. "ACK!"

You stepped up beside Sans and looked at him. The robot had pure white eyes (eyes?) He was wearing these cute short shorts, with pink flowers on them, and a half top. You almost thought he was a girl.

"Oh, oh my, Sans come give me a hug and- DOGE! GET IN HERE SANS IS HERE!" He yelled, scrambling up and groping around with his hands. He knocked over a lamp, and Sans caught it.

"I'm over here Mt." He said, smiling.

The robot pranced in your direction. "Oh, thank you." He held out his hands, and grabbed your breasts.

You gasped, and Sans burst out laughing as the robot gasped,"oh Sans honey, you need to lose some weight you've got boobs now." He frowned. "Though I don't really mind if your gay-"

Sans grabbed his hands. "I'm over here buddy. That's a girl."

The robot smiled in his direction. "Oh, sorry. Um, who is here?"

"Me and my-" He looked at you. "Really really close friend. Metta, this is (y/n). (Y/n), Mettaton the blind, Flamboyantly gay robot ghost monster."

Metta smiled at you. "Hello, darling. I like your shirt, the color really compliments your eyes."

"I thought you said..." You glanced at Sans.

"He is. He's definitely blind as a bat." He smiled. "Metta, we have a moody judy right here." He pointed at you.

"Hey-!" You glared at him.

Metta gasped and threw his arms around your neck, narrowly missing slapping you. "Oh, darling! Come here, I'll take good care of you!" He cried.

You gasped. Sans smiled at you triumphantly, and walked over the junk scattered everywhere, picking up random things and putting them where they went. Metta pulled you along into another room(the only clean one).
It had bright pink walls, with white lily's painted everywhere. Your breath caught, and Metta giggled.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I got one of the Sans' to do it for me. He was pretty chill about the whole, 'being stuck here' thing. So he entertained himself here." Metta ran his finger tips over the paint, a sad look on his face. "I wish she'd at least put sensors on my finger tips."

You perked up. "I know someone-"

"No thank you." He said briskly, sweeping across the room to a little makeup table.
He seemed to know where everything was, barely fumbling as he opened a drawer and found a brush. "Come here, come here." He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to the makeup table, sitting you down.

You looked down, away from the mirror. Metta brushed your hair, purring softly," oh, honey, you wanna talk about him?"

You jumped. Did he know about-? "What?!"

"Sans. He seems a bit strange, around you. Like he was around-" Metta put a hand to his head. "Oh, I seem to have lost my thought. Erm... M. I think that's what he called her... I can't really remember..."

You frowned. "Oh, alright."

You heard a groan from the other side of the huge bed about two feet away, and you whipped around.

Metta laughed happily. "Oh, that's just Doge. Doge, up up!"

A white, melting dog slopped over, it's feet squelching. It panted and frothed happily.

Metta pet his head, then said," ew." And wiped it on the nearest wall. "Ugh, that Amalgamate never stops melting, does he? Oh, uh, darling, this is Endogeny. He's been taking care of me in the absence of-...." Metta slowed in his brushing. "Oh wow. You and her have the same name."

You smiled, puzzled. "Who?"

"Oh, Sans' old girlfriend. True love right there, I'm telling you. But she had to go home." He sighed. "It's because of her I'm here today. She saved my life, you know. Frisk's twin."

You blinked. "She had a twin?"

Metta nodded. "Very kind girl, her. Also named (Y/n). She had a black soul, but a kind being."

You pondered what that meant. A black soul and a kind being? That was new.
A crash came from a different room, and Sans started yelling profanity.

Metta laughed. "Oh dear, we best go check on him darling, he only has one Hp, after all."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora