Story: Nine

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"Sans, come out."

"I'm a wee bit busy M. Please just let me die in peace."

"What? Sans, I need to clean your wound."

"I think I'm sick. I'm burning up right now, so please..."

M paused. "I.... oh. So your in heat."


She giggled. "Huehue, that's adorable."



You stared at your stomach.
Had you gained weight?
Your scale had said otherwise, but it might have been broken.
You pulled your shirt up farther.
Definitely bigger.
You think.
Maybe it was just what he'd said that one time-

"Hey (Y/n), I made-"

You gasped and yanked your shirt down.
Sans blinked in surprise.

You blushed and pushed your hair back, nudging the scale behind the toilet. "Heh... uh, yes? Need something?"

He looked at the scale, your stomach, and the mirror. "Ooohhhhh... Mhm. Well, just wanted to say I made breakfast."

You nodded, your hand over your mouth. "Thanks."

He backed out slowly, nodding. "Eheh... yea..." He quickly left.

You covered your face and squealed.


You took a bite of egg. "Mhm. You got work?"

He shrugged, holding a bottle of ketchup. "No, not tonight."
He took a swig, as if it were a beer.

You scrunched up your nose. "That has to be unhealthy."

He chuckled. "I'm a skeleton, so it doesn't count for me."

You snapped your fingers. "I thought so! I couldn't tell what kind of monster you are, and I noticed you did look kinda skeletal! But...." You paused, noticing he was smirking. "Um.... sorry. Didn't mean to be rude."

He laughed. "No, you didn't offend me. You seem really interested though."

You nodded. "Yeah, I am. If your a skeleton, how do you... blink, and move your mouth, and..." You paused. "Er...."

He lifted his brow bones.

"Also that." You said.

He shrugged. "I'm a skeleton monster. Just like Undyne is a fish monster. And Tori is a goat monster."

You thought about it, but he inturrupted.

"So.... about the uh.... bathroom thing." He said carefully.

You blushed. "What about it?"

"You realize your not over weight at all, right?" He said, searching you for a reaction.

You didn't give him one.

"I don't know." You said quietly. "I guess."

He nodded. "Okay. Well your not. I should know." He started to leave, but paused next to you and leaned down. "By the way, guys like girls with meat on their bones." He winked and left.

You giggled and blushed, then put your empty plate in the sink.


"Oh, I'm a mighty mighty man, I'm young and I'm in my prime."

You closed the front door and glanced around, bewildered. Where was that music coming from?

"Yeah! I'm a mighty mighty man, I'm young and I'm in my prime.

I don't pick my jobs, I'm ready for an ol' kind."

You glanced into the living room. Not there. You walked to Sans' hallway. You could hear someone singing along.
It was a really blues song. Kind of old sounding.

"Yes, I'm a real young man, a brand new twenty five...
Well I'm willing, I'm able, I'm practically much alive."

You leaned against his door and listened.
Sans wasn't particularly in tune, but he sounded happy. It sounded like he was moving something around. You tried knocking, but he didn't hear it over the music.

"I'm six feet tall I ain't no hand me down.
Yes! I'm six feet tall I ain't no hand me down.
Well I gotta girl in town who calls me Good Rockin' Brown."

You knocked harder. "Sans!"

The music quieted down and he opened the door. "Hey kid."

You smiled. "Strange taste in music."

He looked over his shoulder. "We monsters are very old fashioned."

You laughed. "I can see that."

He paused, then held out his hand. "Here."

You held out yours, and he dropped a little chain in it.
A heart shaped locket.

"A friend of mine wanted me to give it to you. I had a talk with her, and she said it was good luck."

You rubbed your thumb over it and smiled. "Tell her I said thank you."

Just Plain Old Lazy! (Bara!SansxReader) {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now